edward never wanted to live答案


Edward never wanted to live in a big city. He wanted to live in a small town, 16 everyone knew everyone. It was a dream that he was devoted to 17 (achieve).
The day after his 26th birthday, he called his friend Lisa, who had moved to a small town in Iowa, which has 18 population of about 20, 000. He asked her 19 it was like over there, and she told him that he would love it. She said that it was quiet, peaceful, small, and that the people were friendly. Edward decided to live in this little town. He 20 (sit) down with his parents, and told them what he was planning on doing. 21 (support) by his parents, he left a week later.
Lisa helped Edward get a job. He liked his job, 22 he found it a bit boring sometimes. Two months later, Edward told Lisa he couldn‟t handle it any more. He wanted to go back to the city. Lisa laughed and said, “ 23 (obvious), you have always hated the city; I can‟t understand why you are running back to 24 now.” Edward didn‟t think living in a small town would be so unexciting. “I can‟t get used 25 the boredom(无聊)which eventually will drive me mad, Lisa,” Edward said as he started packing his things.

16. where。考查定语从句。设空处引导非限制性定语从句,补充说明a small town,且在从句中作地点状语,故填where。
17. achieving。考查非谓语动词。be devoted to意为“专注于……”,其中to是介词,故填achieving。
18. a。考查冠词。have a population of是固定搭配,意为“有……人口”。2abc8.com
19. what。考查宾语从句。此处为what引导的宾语从句, 在从句中充当介词 like(像.) 的宾语。
20. sat. 考查谓语。根据所在句子的“told”可以判断出“sit”的时态
21. Supported。考查非谓语动词。support与he之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故填Supported。
22. but。考查连词。由上下文可知此处为转折关系。句意为“他喜欢他的工作,但有时却觉得很烦躁”。
23. Obviously。考查词形转换。设空处修饰整个句子,且位于句首,故填副词Obviously。
24. it。考查代词。设空处指代前面提到的the city,故填it。
25. to。考查介词, get used to意为“适应”。
第1个回答  2015-05-03
第2个回答  2015-05-03