英语手抄报:主题:Help save the animals 求文字资料(关于三种濒临灭绝的动物、

英语手抄报:主题:Help save the animals 求文字资料(关于三种濒临灭绝的动物、不要太多、例:大熊猫、亚洲象、老虎、中华白海豚、鹿、海龟、大猩猩)

Giant Panda
Range: southwestern China, in six small forest fragments
Habitat: damp, misty forests of bamboo and conifers, in altitudes above 4,000 feet (1,200 meters)

Giant pandas are black and white and loved all over
The giant panda is a national treasure in China and is therefore protected by law. This unique bear has long been revered by the Chinese and can be found in Chinese art dating back thousands of years. The Chinese call their beloved pandas "large bear-cats." People outside of China have been fascinated by giant pandas since they were first described by French Missionary Pere Armand David in 1869. Now, more than 100 years later, the worldwide love for pandas has been combined with international efforts to keep them from becoming extinct.

How did the panda get its colors?
Scientists aren't exactly sure. One theory is that pandas developed the contrasting black and white colors over time so they would stand out in the forest and be able to find each other to mate.

Are giant pandas bears?
For years scientists have wondered whether pandas are bears, raccoons, or in a group all their own. Through studying the genetic code (DNA) in pandas’ cells, scientists have confirmed the panda's relationship with bears. Giant pandas are similar to other bears in their general looks, the way they walk and climb, and their skull characteristics. It's important to know that pandas are bears, because the more we know about pandas, the better