
英文课的一个作业 有一周时间 希望各位能帮忙 就是介绍下那个国家 风景名胜什么的 然后讲讲为什么要去。。。。

第1个回答  2023-09-08
If I had the opportunity to travel abroad, I would choose to go to France. There are several reasons why I would choose France:
1. Cultural Interest: France is known for its rich cultural heritage and beautiful landmarks. I am fascinated by the art, food, and language of France, and would love the opportunity to experience it firsthand.
2. Cuisine: French cuisine is world-renowned for its exquisite dishes and high-quality ingredients. I am a food lover and am looking forward to sampling the local cuisine and trying some of the best restaurants in the world.
3. Art and Architecture: France has a long tradition of art and architecture dating back to the Renaissance. I am interested in visiting museums and galleries to see works by famous artists such as Monet, Picasso, and Van Gogh. In addition, I am fascinated by French cathedrals and historic buildings.
4. Experience Paris: Paris is known as the City of Love and is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. I am looking forward to visiting the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, and the Louvre Museum, among other landmarks. In addition, Parisian fashion is also something that I am interested in experiencing.
In conclusion, France offers a perfect blend of culture, cuisine, art, architecture, and city experiences that make it a great place to visit.
第2个回答  2013-06-03
去比利时吧!我不知道你平时的兴趣爱好师什么,但是比利时绝对值得去。。。我以后有机会一定回去那里。。。首先,我要去那里吃巧克力,做巧克力美容,还有那里的巧克力节特别有意思。。。它是巧克力的故乡,有500多个品种的巧克力。 还有啤酒,你们不知道世界上啤酒还有400多种口味吧。。。很好喝得 。。。喜欢漫画吗? 呵呵 他们那里简直可以说是漫画国,大街小巷都可以看到漫画墙,丁丁历险记等都是产于那里的。最后 也是最重要的师那里的钻石和古城堡,它是世界钻石的主要产地,世界名钻都出自比利时。试想一下,和你的另一半一起到比利时,自己亲自动手做好钻戒戴在另一半的手上,吃着甜蜜的巧克力,在城堡中举行婚礼仪式。。呵呵 还有很多很多。。。。本回答被网友采纳