

Christmas or Christmas Day is a holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus, the central figure of Christianity. It is traditionally celebrated on December 25 by most Western Christian churches. Although dating to probably as early as a.d. 200, the feast of Christmas did not become widespread until the Middle Ages. Aspects of celebration may include gift-giving, Christmas trees, display of Nativity sets, church attendance, the Father Christmas/Santa Claus myth, and family gatherings. The word Christmas is derived from Middle English Christemasse. It is a contraction meaning "Christ's mass". The name of the holiday is often shortened to Xmas because Roman letter "X" resembles the Greek letter X, an abbreviation for Christ.圣诞节是一个节日庆祝耶稣的诞生,天主教中心人物。这是传统上庆祝十二月二十五日的多数西方国家的基督教教堂。虽然约会可能早在公元200年,在圣诞大餐的时候才普遍中世纪。圣诞节庆祝活动包括赠送礼物,圣诞树,显示诞生,教堂出席,圣诞老人圣诞老人克劳斯的神话,和家庭聚会。这个词是源自中古英语christemasse。这是一个收缩的意思是“基督弥撒”。这个节日的名字经常被简称为“圣诞节因为罗马字母“×”类似于希腊字母的缩写,基督。
第1个回答  推荐于2018-03-02
On Christmas Eve, Santa Claus will send presents to every faithful kid.