

What will you do if you failed the exam?如果没有通过考试,你会怎么办?I will be very disappointed.我会非常失落 and quickly check what are the knowledge I don't know, 接着我会快速检查一下那些知识点是我没有掌握的,并且去请教我的同学和老师。then ask my classmates and teachers to teach me.并且去请教我的同学和老师。 In this way, I understand the knowledge and get prepare for next exam.通过这个方法去了解不懂的知识,为下次考试做好准备
第1个回答  2013-09-23
What will you do if you failed the exam?如果没有通过考试,你会怎么办?I will be very disappointed.我会非常失落 and quickly check what are the knowledge I don't know, 接着我会快速检查一下那些知识点是我没有掌握的,并且去请教我的同学和老师。then ask my classmates and teachers to teach me.并且去请教我的同学和老师。 In this way, I understand the knowledge and get prepare for next exam.通过这个方法去了解不懂的知识,为下次考试做好准备本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-09-23
firstly, i should clearly understand what is my weak point, next, focus on my weekness to find a solution, and then, work on it even harder to make a progress. 第一,我应该清楚认识到自己的弱项是什么,其次,针对弱项找到解决办法,再次,更努力的学习去取得进步
第3个回答  2013-09-23
what will you do if you haven't pass the exam?
第4个回答  2013-09-23
If you failed to pass the exam,what should you do?