






I'm gentleman gentleman you need a gentleman yeah:我是好好先生 你需要的一个好好先生。

I wanna be the one you always can rely on:我想成为你永远的依靠。

Be the one to hold you through the night storm:暗夜里陪你,风雨中相依。

Be the gentleman that's you need no matter how long:做你的好好先生,不管你要我多久。

Ima fight until we free, find the freedom from defeat:我都会拼尽全力,赢得爱的自由。

I wanna honor who you are,not tryna' play on:你是我的荣耀,不是暧昧的替代。

See the other guys you relied on:看着你依靠其他人。

They broke your heart but it grew strong:他们伤透了你的心 你却更加的强大。

We can be the perfect love song ,and watch the skies fall:相依仰望天际,我们共谱爱曲。

Wake up in the morning from the night‘s calm:静夜之后的晨曦中醒来。

And see the sunrise while we stand tall:我们站在高处眺望太阳升起。

Perfect intuition,you're my angel one I visioned:我有种奇妙的感觉,你就是我梦中的天使。

that I always could envision:让我无时不刻满怀憧憬。

To be wife for my children cuz together we can fly:我们组建一个家吧,因为手牵着手就能飞翔。

Forever you and I on this mission:这是我们永远的约定。

That we call love that define all the wishes:也是我们所有的心愿——是爱。

Yea I'm a gentleman for life, always need for a wife:我是个好好先生,只需要一个你。

In this cold world, in this cold world.:在这个冷漠的世界。


I'll be the one to catch you when you're falling from the sky:我一定会紧紧抱着你,不让你坠落。

I'll be the one to hold you baby ,together we can fly:我一定会紧紧拥抱你,陪你一起飞。

Baby let's fly, baby you and I, baby hold on we can make it in time:宝贝 一起飞吧 就我和你,宝贝 别放手 我们能走到最后。

Baby let's fly, baby you and I, baby hold on we can make it in time:宝贝 一起飞吧 就我和你,宝贝 别放手 我们能走到最后。


I never told you how I love you, kept my heart on the other side:爱你多深,从不敢说出口,深深藏在心中。

Looking for a safer ride, easier to say goodbye寻找合适的方式,离别会好过一些。

yeahSo bad when I want it but front when I lose it:为何偏偏失去时,才明白想要什么。

So I turn to the music again:只好再次用音乐诉说一切。

and you turn to your phone and you wish what we had:而你用电话来保存这一切。

will remain in our home from the names you were called:你希望过去的美好可以永远留存。

Never was a gentleman,making scenes at the mall just for the little things:在购物中心里,好好先生从不只是在乎那些琐碎。

always was so ignorant:多么愚蠢。

Never thought the love that you bring was the best for me:我从不曾想你是我的最爱。

And grew the smarter me, I'm the loser in this tragedy:你让我变得聪明,而我是这悲剧的男主角。

In the ugly side, gently blinded me:这灰暗的一面轻轻蒙蔽我了的双眼。

No romeo inside of me,to begin don't be afraid:我不是什么罗密欧,首先不要害怕。

In my head would be time patient through the fights:我有耐心,持久而战。

On this stage we call life,we can glide you and I:在这生活的舞台,让我们一起翱翔。

Complicated from the start ,so we aiming for the stars:开始有多难,仰望星空就有多灿烂。

Start with the sentiment,I'm a gentleman:带着感情重新来过,我是好好先生。


I'll be the one to catch you when you're falling from the sky:我一定会紧紧抱着你,不让你坠落。

I'll be the one to hold you baby ,together we can fly:我一定会紧紧拥抱你,陪你一起飞

Baby let's fly, baby you and I, baby hold on we can make it in time:宝贝 一起飞吧 就我和你,宝贝别放手我们能走到最后。

Baby let's fly, baby you and I, baby hold on we can make it in time:宝贝 一起飞吧 就我和你,宝贝 别放手 我们能走到最后 。

I'm gentleman.:我是个绅士。



来自爱情公寓4中的《Gentleman》(绅士)是由刘伟德(Victor Lau)、戴爱玲演唱的英文歌曲,首次出现于《爱情公寓4》第4集,歌曲朗朗上口,轻快活泼,是《爱情公寓4》的原创插曲,受到大众喜爱。戴爱玲出道以来行事一向低调,从不花俏取宠,也很少出没娱乐时尚圈的社交场合。



第1个回答  2020-03-11
中间间奏star sky ,way back home,gentleman
第2个回答  2019-06-16
第3个回答  2019-06-08
Way back home
第4个回答  2019-06-07
star sky
