动词+副词 构成的动词短语

那些相当于不及物动词的动词短语 跟宾语时 是不是和不及物动词一样 先加介词再加宾语??

动词+副词(Verb + adverb)
  这类短语动词,有的相当于一个及物动词。例如: --to turn up the radio (把收音机开大);
  --to turn up the soil (把地翻起);
  --to take up water (吸水);
  --to take up a new tool (拿起新工具);
  --to take up this question (谈到这个问题);
  --to take up space (占据空间)。 --She was extremely lucky: when her great-uncle died, she came into[继承(遗产)] a fortune. --I hope I shall be able to clean off(把…清除掉) these black marks. --They were so far away that I couldn't make out their faces clearly.
  (他们离得那么远,我没法把他们的脸辨认清楚。) --Trains stop here in order to pick up passengers only. 必须注意,本组短语动词一般都可以构成被动语态。例如: --Trains stop here in order that passengers are picked up only.
  另外,这类短语动词相当于及物动词时,若宾语为名词,一般既可放在短语动词之后,也可放在动词和副词之间。若短语动词的直接宾语为代词,则位于动词与副词之间。例如:--to give it (指 heat) out 放出它(热量);to keep them (指 the molecules) apart 使它们(分子)保持分离但是某些表示及物的短语动词却具有自己的固定模式:不允许随便将副词放在宾语之后(除非是宾语为代词);有时有的不容许随便将副词放在宾语之前。例如:
  --They had given up hope. 此句不能变为: --They had given hope up. --Get that parcel off right away! (寄出) 此句因为歧义的缘故不能把副词off放在宾语之前。及物短语动词get…off与动词get后面跟介词off意思不同。例如:--Get off that stool -it's just been painted! --Get off that parcel right away! --I switched the light on and off.--I switched on and off the light.
  --Crying my eyes out. --I was laughing my head off. --Sobbing my head out. 这个句子不能变为: --crying out my eyes. --I was laughing off my head. --sobbing out my heart.
  这种短语动词的固定现象往往出现在短语动词与宾语之间, 具有牢固的习语关系,此时意思同时从字面意义转向比喻意义。短语动词在这些夸张语中成了固定的习惯用法。此上这几种情况必须要加以注意。从例句可以看出短语动词与动词和副词结构具有不同的意义,因此我们必须加以区分。一般可用以下的
  三个标准。 1)短语动词无法孤立地根据动词和副词的意义预测结合后的意义。例如: --catch on (理解),give in (投降),blow up (爆炸)
  但在动词和副词的自由组合中,动词作正常的不及物动词,而副词则有自己的意义。例如: --He walked past. (= past the object/place) --I waded across. (= across the river/water/etc.)
  past, across 是副词,它们的作用等于一个方向介词短语。动词和副词在意义上可以分开,因为可以换词:例句中的waded across 中的wade,我们可以用walk,run,swim,jump,fly等来替换;而across,我们则可用in,through,over,up,down等来替换。
  straight,例如: --Go right / straight on. --Walk straight in. --Drink right in. 而插入语在不同程度上,对短语动词来说,却是不可接受的。例如不能说: --The prisoner broke right down. --She turned right up at last. 3)可以将副词放在动词的前面,同时将主语-动词倒装(主语为代词则不能倒装): --Out came the sun. --Up you come. --On we drove into the night. 但短语动词却不能这样,不能说: --Up blew the sun. --Up it blew. 这类动词有的相当于一个不及物动词。例如: --to flow off 流走;流下;
  --to come round 苏醒;
  --to look up 抬头看;兴旺;
  --to ring off 挂断电话 --The picnic came off (举行) at last after being twice postponed. --Do you know the reason why the automobile breaks down (出故障)? --It was no surprise when we were told that our grandfather had passed away. (去世). --Their plans for a big party fell through (完全失败).