select count(*) from 速度很慢

Select Count(*)
From np_goldidea_vote c, dept_with_path b, np_goldidea_main a
Where c.vote_org_id = b.dept_id
And a.main_id = c.main_id
And a.column_id = '2'
And a.status = 9
Group By b.path 请大家分析下 如何优化这条SQL 目前查询需要12秒 ,其中C表数据量80W条,b表1440条,a表3891条,请高手帮忙下,谢谢,目前这几张表的关联也都建立了。急

单纯把表联接由=的写法改成inner join的写法不会提升效率,因为两者是等价写法。试试下面的写法:Select Count(*)
From np_goldidea_vote c, dept_with_path b, (select main_id,column_id, status from np_goldidea_main where column_id = '2' and status = 9 ) a
Where c.vote_org_id = b.dept_id
And a.main_id = c.main_id
Group By b.path 这个写法的思路是先做a的选择运算,这样在多表连接时,a的数据量会大大降低,从而提高效率。另外,这三个表除了建立默认的主键和唯一性索引外,在b的path上一定要建立索引,这是由于需要按path分组。还有,在连接字段上也要建立索引,这样表连接时,很多时候只需要访问索引而不需要访问表,从而提高效率。
第1个回答  2013-07-31
Select Count(*)
From np_goldidea_vote cinner join dept_with_path bon c.vote_org_id = b.dept_id
inner join np_goldidea_main a
on a.main_id = c.main_id
And a.column_id = '2' And a.status = 9
Group By b.path