while 具体怎么用?


when 与while的区别

1. when指某个时间点,表示瞬间动作;while 指某个时间段,表示延续性动作。如:

When I got there, she was playing the violin. 我到那里时,她正在拉小提琴。

While I was playing the violin, he came to see me.我正在拉小提琴时,他来看我了。



2. when表示偏偏在这时,强调双方动作互相冲突;while表示与此同时,双方动作互不相干。如:

When we were having a meeting, the children were shouting outside the window.我们正在开会,孩子们却在窗外大喊大叫。

While we were having a meeting, the children were watching TV in the next room. 我们开会时,孩子们在隔壁房间看电视。

3. when排斥一般时间概念,泛指某特定情况;while表示趁有条件时,强调抓紧时机。如:

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.


While in Rome, he visited some of his old friends. 他在罗马的时候,拜访了一些朋友。

4. 用于完成时,when表示“在……之后”,while表示“在……期间”。如:

When he had joined the army, he was sent to the front. 他服役后,被派往前线。

While he has been in the army, he has done lots of good deeds. 他服役期间,做了许多好事。