Do you have that 什么意思


Do you have that 网络释义 do you have to do that 你这样做有必要吗 (gotta) I have to get a new one. do you have to do that? 你这样做有必要吗? Got to go! 闪人了! 基于1个网页 - 相关网页 相关词条 do you still have doubts that 你是否仍怀疑 Delicate or innocent 从未感到脆弱无辜 do you still have doubts that 你是否仍怀疑 Us having faith makes any sense 我们坚持信念的意义 基于10个网页 - 相关网页 你是否仍怀疑 Delicate or innocent 从未感到脆弱无辜 do you still have doubts that 你是否仍怀疑 Us having faith makes any sense 我们坚持信念的意义 基于6个网页 - 相关网页 你是否仍怀疑 Delicate or innocent 从未感到脆弱无辜 do you still have doubts that 你是否仍怀疑 Us having faith makes any sense 我们坚持信念的意义 基于2个网页 - 相关网页 你的心裏是否依旧会存疑 Delicate or innocent 心意动摇或被人误解 do you still have doubts that 你的心裏是否依旧会存疑 Us having makes any sense 存疑我们坚持信念的意义 基于1个网页 - 相关网页 you need not have to do that 你并不需要那样做 You can say that again.你说得没错。 you need not have to do that.你并不需要那样做。 You really have a good eye.您眼光真好。编辑推荐(卓越) 基于9个网页 - 相关网页 你并不需要那样做 You can say that again.你说得没错。 you need not have to do that.你并不需要那样做。 You really have a good eye.您眼光真好。 基于1个网页 - 相关网页 you will have to do that again 你得重做那件事 you will have to do that again.你得重做那件事。 She won’t have to go with you. 她不必跟你去。 基于9个网页 - 相关网页 why do you have that look on your face 为什麼摆出这种脸色 14. They get back together? 他们复和了。 15. why do you have that look on your face? 为什麼摆出这种脸色? 16. No kidding! 真的!;就是啊! 基于1个网页 - 相关网页 双语例句 1. Do you have that green stuff you used to rub on Stamtisch's head? 你擦在史丁纳许头上那种绿色的东西还有吗? 来自电影对白 2. We'd like to order a KV-Do you have that on hand? 我们想订kv-3,你们有现货吗? 来自互联网 3. What happened? Why do you have that anxious face? 出什么事儿了?你怎么一脸焦虑? 来自互联网 4. Watering Flowers in Rain Tommy: Why do you have that watering can? 雨天浇花汤米:你拿喷壶去做什么? 来自互联网 5. What qualifications do you have that make you feel you will be successful in this field? 你具备些什么条件,使你觉得会在这一领域中取得成功? 来自互联网 6. Do you have any ready-made clothes that will fit me? 你们有适合我穿的现成的衣服吗? 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》 7. Do you have any tickets available for that date? 你们有那天的票吗? 来自辞典例句 8. Do you believe that managers should have authority to command their subordinates? 你是否认为管理人员有权力命令他们的部属? 来自辞典例句 9. Do you know that you have become quite a theoretician? 你知道吗?你已经成为了一个了不起的理论家了。 来自辞典例句 10. What reason do you have thinks that the money is not stolen? 你有什么理由认为钱没被偷呢? 来自辞典例句 11. Do you know that you have lost twenty-five kilograms since you have been in our hands? 你知道吗,你落到我们手中以后已经掉了二十五公斤? 来自英汉文学 12. But do you think that I would have been enticed to say a word? 但是你认为我会被骗出一句话来吗? 来自辞典例句 13. Do you have any knowledge of any safety deposit boxes that your husband might have had? 您知道不知道,您丈夫也许有什么存款保险箱? 来自辞典例句 14. That's good. Do you have any comment to make on this clause? 那很好。你对这一条有什么意见吗? 来自商贸英语会话 15. Do you have a pen that writes with invisible ink? 你有可以用隐形墨水写字的笔吗? 来自电影对白 16. Do you have any evidence that the THC came from active use? 你有证据证明大麻活性成分是从主动运用来的吗? 来自电影对白 17. Do you have tapes on that Revolutionary Party case? 你有关于革命党案件的录音带吗? 来自电影对白 18. Do you have any solutions left if I do that again? 要是我再这么做一次你还有什么解决的办法没有? 来自电影对白 19. Do you have any hard evidence to back that theory? 你有什么让人信服的证据证明它吗? 来自电影对白 20. Do you have to put that in my tummy? 你真得把那玩意放到我肚子里去?
第1个回答  2013-07-29
why do you have that
第2个回答  2013-07-29