
歌词:我躲在车低!守护这你的项链 想要给你生日的惊喜!你越走越近.....

  歌手:阿杜 专辑:天黑
  他一定很爱你 He must really love you
  我躲在车里手握着香槟 I hide in the car holding a champagne
  想要给你生日的惊喜 Want to give you a birthday surprise
  你越走越近有两个声音 You walk nearer and there are two voices
  我措手不及只得楞在那里 i am lost so i can only stand there
  我应该在车底不应该在车里 I should not be the in the car but under the car
  看到你们有多甜蜜 Look how sweet you are
  这样一来我也比较容易死心 As a result I can give up easily
  给我离开的勇气 give me the courage to leave
  他一定很爱你 He must really love you
  也把我比下去 he is better than me
  分手也只用了一分钟而已 break up takes one minute only
  他一定很爱你 He must really love you
  比我会讨好你 he know how to entertain you better than me
  不会像我这样孩子气 unlike the childish me
  为难着你 make it difficult for you
  我应该在车底不应该在车里 I should not be the in the car but under the car
  看到你们有多甜蜜 Look how sweet you are
  这样一来我也比较容易死心 As a result I can give up easily
  给我离开的勇气 Give me the courage to leave
  他一定很爱你 He must really love you
  也把我比下去 he is better than me
  分手也只用了一分钟而已 break up takes one minute only
  他一定很爱你 He must really love you
  比我会讨好你 he know how to entertain you better than me
  不会像我这样孩子气 unlike the childish me
  为难着你 make it difficult for you
  他一定很爱你 He must really love you
  也把我比下去 he is better than me
  分手也只用了一分钟而已 break up takes one minute only
  他一定很爱你 He must really love you
  比我会讨好你 he knows how to entertain you better than me
  不会像我这样孩子气 unlike the childish me
  为难着你 make it difficult for you