
1有许多事要做2坐地铁大约40分钟3在公园慢跑4为家人买礼物5在社区中心聚会6 出了问题7乐意帮助他人8将来成为一名画家9快从树上下来,这样太危险10别把窗户开着,外面太冷了11他祖父三个星期前生病住院了。

1、有许多事要做。have many things to do

It takes about forty minutes to go by subway.

3、在公园慢跑。jog in the park

4、为家人买礼物。buy presents for my family

5、在社区中心聚会。have a party in the community center

6、出了问题。Something is wrong.

7、乐意帮助他人。be pleased to help others

8、将来成为一名画家。will be an artist in the future

Get down from the tree immediately. It's too dangerous.

Don't leave the window open. It's too cold outside.

His grandfather was ill in hospital three weeks ago.来自:求助得到的回答
第1个回答  2013-07-27
1、I have a lot of things to do.
2、It takes about 40 minutes by subway.
3、Jogging in the park.
4、Buying present for the family.
5、Gathering at the center of community.
6、something wrong.
7、glad to help somebody.
8、to be a painter in the future.
9、Get down from the tree, it's too dangerous.
10、Don't keep the window open. It's too cold outside.
11、His grandfather was in hospital three weeks ago.
第2个回答  2013-07-27

    have many things to do 2. about 40 minutes by underground. 3. jog in the park  4. buy presents for family members 5. get together in the community centre 6. something is wrong 7. be willing to help others  8. become an artist in the future 9. get down from the tree.it's too dangerous. 10. don't keep the window open. it's cold outside. 11. his grandfather was sick in hospital three weeks ago. 

第3个回答  2013-07-27
1. have many things to do 2.it will take fourty minutes to take subway 3.running slowly in the park 4.buy gifts for families 5.have party in the center of the society 6.it caused problems 7.would like to help others 8.will become a painter in the future 9 get down of the tree quickly,it is too dangerous 10.keep the windows closed, it is too cold outside 11.his grandfather went to hospital three weeks ago
第4个回答  2013-07-27
1.do many things
2. It takes about forty minutes to go by underground