
请英文高手帮我翻译这篇重要的信!很急!!麻烦不要用翻译机 恳请各位了~ "不好意思 冒昧的寄信给你,打扰你几分钟的时间看完此信 . 我今年即将过18岁生日,我从小一直有个梦想就是可以在美国生活,读书,长大後在那里就业并且能拥有一个自己幸福美满的家庭这个梦想在不久前还是个只敢空想的奢望,但是有一天听到我住在美国的爷爷奶奶说台湾的学生如果想要去美国读书必须先考一种考试叫做 "托福"考过了之後以国际学生的身分用托福的成绩去申请美国的大学,於是我开始燃起了一种希望,开始到处找专门在补托福的补习班,妈妈也看我非常的积极也凑了钱让我去补习,由於小时候去美国读书过一年加上一直向往著去美国生活,所以特别的对英文有兴趣学起来也很开心!虽然遇到的挫折也很多也难免有挫败的时候,但是我从来没想过要放弃,因为这条路是我自己选择的..是我的人生 . "
现实的条件重重的击垮了这念头,一度觉得没有办法了. 但是妈妈还是叫我
的上班,可以在家好好过着他这辈子该过的生活. 我想出国读书唯一的办法就


Sorry presumptuous send a letter to you, bother you a few minutes to read this letter, I had this coming 18th birthday, I grew up always had a dream to be able to live in America, reading, employment grew up there and can has its own happy family this dream until recently was a dare utopian wishful thinking, but one day hear my grandparents lived in the United States say that Taiwan students must if you want to go to America to study Xiankao one kind of test is called "TOEFL "test passed after the identity of the international students with a TOEFL score to apply for American universities, so I started kindled a hope, begin to find that specializes in the complement TOEFL cram my mother could not see very positive also scrape together the money to let me go to tutoring, as a child went to the U.S. to study for a year plus have been longing to American life, it is particularly interested in learning of the English language is also very happy! Although setbacks are bound to have a lot of frustration sometimes, but I never thought to give up, because this road is my own choice .. is my life. "but in fact, I know that my mother has been very hard to take care of two children as a single mother to say, my mother is very great, and he also felt that my language ability is also good I am in favor of studying abroad, but the reality of the conditions of heavy defeat this idea, once thought no way, but mom told me not to give up continue its efforts on the ground TOEFL, he will find a way so that I can successfully study abroad, he said, when she was younger that is not good to realize his dream, so causing regret now, she does not want me to have this regret it later, so she encouraged me to dream! but I do not want to cause her mother's burden, the reason I went to the U.S. to study is the hope in the future there is a good salary and stable way so that mothers can no longer hard work, you can take home to live his life the live the life I think the only way to study abroad only loans, but I have not at least 20 years of age can not use his own name to the loans, the false use of the mother's name, is it an added burden to her ...
第1个回答  2013-07-30
I am sorry to trouble you with this letter and taking your time to read this letter.
My 18th birthday is coming soon, and I always have a dream, since I was a child, of living, studying, working and forming a wonderful family in America. That was an unreachable dream not too long ago, but since I heard from my grandparents in America that Taiwanese who wants to study in the United States will have to sit for an exam called "TOEFL", I saw a light of hope.