
1、Grance写给Daniel 的回信

第1个回答  2013-01-08
Hello, Daniel! I am glad to receive your letter and know that you have properly planned our trip .What pleased me most is your advice that we should go to Spain for a camping trip. And I feel it an honour to know your two friends , Amy and Ryan in that country. Because I would like to make friends.I believe the trip with the two new friends will certainly be an unforgettable experience .And I think we should bring something necessary ,including food , drinks and especially some medicine in case. We should start on the first Saturday in August. Do remember to prepare some strong and comfortable shoes.
第2个回答  2013-01-08
Dear Daniel,

I am very happy to hear from you, and absolutely love your idea of us going to spain together camping. It'll be an honor for me to know your friends in spain, Amy and Ryan. I am sure the four of us will have a great time there! The first Saturday of August works perfect for me, and I hope Amy and Ryan can make it too!

Please let me know at your earliest convenience of how I can help with the trip. I can definitely bring some soda, chips, and maybe some Sushi rolls. Looking forward to meeting all of you!

All the best wishes,
第3个回答  2013-01-08
Dear Daniel
I'm glad to get your latter, I so agree with your advise that to travle and go camping in Spain.
Do Amy and Yan well? I'm proud to make friends with this two good friends of you in two school in Spain. I believe that the tour of our 4 must to be a unforgetable experience. Now I make a plan of our tour. Firstly, I think we will start in the first Saturday of August,that's a wonderful season.I imagine that we will make camps near a lake that we can swim in it when we feel too hot
and can catch the fishes in the lake to bake them to eat when we feel hungry.How a relaxing holiday! I'm so eager for it.
第4个回答  2013-01-08
Dear daniel.
i am glad to recieve your letter and the idea,which is focus on having a camping in spain is very atracted to me.At the same time,it is honored to me to make friends with your too good friends ,who is studying in two spain school. i cling to the belief that what i treat this traval will be an unforgettable experience.According to mr schedule ,i have made it at the first saturday in August .i wish we would have a nice time and hope to see you soon.
第5个回答  2013-01-08