how 和what的用法有什么区别?


How用于感叹句的几种句型: 1.How+形容词 How lovely!多可爱啊! How nice!多好啊! How kind of you!您好客气! 2.How+形容词+主语+谓语 How tall she is!她个子多高啊! How fond he was of it!他多么喜欢它啊! 3. How+副词+主语+谓语 How well George writes!乔治写得多好啊! How beautifully she sings!她唱歌唱得多美啊! 4. How+主语+谓语 How he ran!他跑得多快啊! How they shout!他们叫喊得多厉害呀! 5.How+形容词(+名词)+谓语+主语 How strange and impressive was life!人生是多么奇妙动人啊! How precise and thorough are her observations!她的观察是多么准确和透彻啊! For how many years have I waited!我等了多少年呀! What用于感叹句的几种句型: 1.What+a/an/the+名词 What a fool!真是个傻瓜! What a pity!真是遗憾! What the heck/dickens!(你讲的)什么玩意啊! 2.What+名词 What luck!多幸运啊! What fun!多么好玩啊! 3.What+(a/an)+形容词+名词 What funny stories!多么好笑的故事! What terrible luck!太不走运了! What a rotten day!多倒霉的一天! 4. What+ a/an+形容词+名词(+主语)+谓语 What an enormous crowd came!来了多么大的一群人呀! 5. What+名词+主语+谓语 What lovely flowers those are!那些花多美啊! 另外: how + 形容词/副词+主语+谓语 what+名词+主语+谓语 How fine it is today! What a fine day it is today! how+形容词+(a/an)+名词+be! what+(a/an)形容词+名词! 就是句型上的差异.how更强调形容词;what更强调名词. What a beautiful day! How lovely the dog is!这里是你说的那个句子,它有两种表达方法what an useful book they have done!How useful a book they have done!
第1个回答  2014-04-27
简单说,how是怎么的意思 what是什么的意思