求一篇完形填空的答案 大概是这个开头 when Katie was nine yeas old,her teacher gave each kid in her

class a cabbage seedling.


When Katie Stagliano was nine years old, her teacher gave each kid in her class a cabbage seedling. Katie didn't know a lot about gardens. But she planted the seedling in her South Carolina backyard. Then she watered it, fed it, and watched in amazement as it grew into a 40-pound cabbage!
The giant vegetable was too big for her family to eat. "I knew my cabbage needed to find a special home," said Katie. So she donated it to a local soup kitchen --a place that provides meals for people who are hungry.
Two days later, the soup kitchen invited Katie to help serve the cabbage. That one cabbage helped to feed 275 people.
Katie loved the satisfaction of growing food to feed people. She decided she needed more garden space.
Her school had an unused field, and Katie thought it was the perfect spot. The school liked the garden idea, and all the students were excited to help. But Katie didn't stop there. She worked with local farmers who donated plots of land for additional gardens.
Katie hoped to grow a variety of crops, but she didn't know how. She asked for help from an expert gardener. Together, they chose the types of vegetables that grow best in the region. A seed company then donated all the plants.
Katie's idea grew even bigger than her cabbage. Her group, Katie's Krops, now has seven gardens. All this land means that they can grow a lot of food for the needy. Kids and adults volunteer to plant, water, and weed. Katie's Krops has given homeless shelters and soup kitchens over 5,000 pounds of squash, okra, cabbage, and other produce.
"Growing vegetables is fun, and it is so great to help people. If I can do it, anyone can," said Katie. "It doesn't take a huge garden, just a pot on your front porch. If kids can grow even one vegetable plant and donate it to a local soup kitchen, we can make a huge difference in the fight against hunger."
Highlights is proud to know this Gallant Kid.
There's some of Goofus and Gallant in us all.
When the Gallant shines through, we show our best self.



第1个回答  2013-01-14

When Katie Stagliano was nine years old, her teacher gave
each kid in her class a cabbage seedling. Katie didn't know a lot about gardens.
But she planted the seedling in her South Carolina backyard. Then she watered
it, fed it, and watched in amazement as it grew into a 40-pound cabbage!

The giant vegetable was too big for her family to eat. "I
knew my cabbage needed to find a special home," said Katie. So she donated it to
a local soup kitchen --a place that provides meals for people who are hungry.

Two days later, the soup kitchen invited Katie to help serve
the cabbage. That one cabbage helped to feed 275 people.

Katie loved the satisfaction of growing food to feed people.
She decided she needed more garden space.

Her school had an unused field, and Katie thought it was the
perfect spot. The school liked the garden idea, and all the students were
excited to help. But Katie didn't stop there. She worked with local farmers who
donated plots of land for additional gardens.

Katie hoped to grow a variety of crops, but she didn't know
how. She asked for help from an expert gardener. Together, they chose the types
of vegetables that grow best in the region. A seed company then donated all the

Katie's idea grew even bigger than her cabbage. Her group,
Katie's Krops, now has seven gardens. All this land means that they can grow a
lot of food for the needy. Kids and adults volunteer to plant, water, and weed.
Katie's Krops has given homeless shelters and soup kitchens over 5,000 pounds of
squash, okra, cabbage, and other produce.


"Growing vegetables is fun, and it is so great to help
people. If I can do it, anyone can," said Katie. "It doesn't take a huge garden,
just a pot on your front porch. If kids can grow even one vegetable plant and
donate it to a local soup kitchen, we can make a huge difference in the fight
against hunger."

Highlights is proud to know this Gallant Kid.

There's some of Goofus and Gallant in us all.

When the Gallant shines through, we show our best self.