

Nowadays, we can see notable advertisement here and there. However, many of those advertisements will mislead audience, especially food advertisements which has caused many food safety problems. As far as I'm concerned, people have the right to chase after notables. But companies should use notable advertisement as less as they can, especially when it is related to food. What ‘s more, notables must be responsible for their advertisements. They shouldn't advertise for those bad aids so that people won’t follow them and take any risk.At last, people should develop their own sense of food safety and avoid eating wrong food.
第1个回答  2013-05-10
12. 问:申请美国高中的大致流程是什么?答:A、参加SLEP测试或参加美国私立中学入学考试(SSAT);B、准备申请材料;C、填写申请表,并向学校寄送申请材料(申请材料包括:父母或监护人的调查问卷、推荐表格、推荐信、学校成绩单原件、TOEFL & SSAT成绩单复印件以及资金证明等);D、如果学生希望得到经济援助,则需填写相关的经济援助申请表;E、学生可能会被要求参加学校的面试,如果符合条件,学生将会收到录取通知书;F、回复学校录取确认,并准备申请签证。本回答被网友采纳