英语高手来 帮忙回答一下

1.What do think of some modern methods of payment(crdit cards cheques bank transfers)?
2.What role does the computer play in modern business?
3.What do think of international trade?
4.What are some necessary steps for preparing a business trip overseas?
5.What kind of office would you prefer to work in,a cellular or an open-plan office?
6.How to deal with customer enquires on the phone?
7.Compare the various means of transportation.
8.Health and safety in workplace.
9.How to keep a balance betwween growth and environment protection?
10.What are the required qualities of a modern manager?
11.What do you know about flexible time?
不是要翻译 而是要回答这些问题(用英语)

你这个是要用英语回答上面的问题是吧? 难度比较大啊,而且篇幅不小。你的问题里面语法错误不少,但是还是可以理解。
1. What do you think of some modern methods of payment?
Answer: OK, hmmm, I think nowadays with the development of finance – electrization, modern facilities, such as credit cards, check, bank transfers, etc, have been in the limelight. Obviously, they are quite convenient and accurate. By using them, the user can save time and the service – provides can cut their costs. Hence, we can surely define their coming into existence as an innovation. Nonetheless, the moral risk (e.g. bad dept) and operational risk should be considered as the unreasonable side of this coin.

2. What role does the computer play in modern business?
Answer: Computer, c-o-m-p-u-t-e-r, it’s a nice name, I think, because we can see it everywhere in business. It has already become a fundamental operating – facility of business. To set an example, without it, a U.S. institution cannot possibly issue securities denominated in foreign currencies of the countries in which they do business. Large firms’ participation in foreign markets cannot make any sense, either. Hence, in general, we can consider computer as a catalyst of the globalization of the world’s economy

11.What do you know about flexible time?
Answer: I think one of the most common forms of flexible working is varying the hours of work from the ‘standard 9-5’, five days per week model. It’s a win-win strategy. The benefits of time flexibility can be felt primarily by the employer, the employee, or by both. Because that the employee can ‘flex’ their hours to fit in with their other life commitments in line with that the employer can manage better the peaks and troughs in demand by flexible shift patterns, and by having ‘just-in-time’ labour on tap

由于所有答案总字数为4000多字,现在只能列出3个答案。 你可以到我后面给出的网页去看其他的答案。(只要把背景颜色改为黑色就可以看得清楚了)


第1个回答  2008-05-23