翻译求助:The increase in taxes means that we'll be 50 pounds a month worse off

The increase in taxes means that we'll be 50 pounds a month worse off
(书上翻译)加税后我们每月收入就要少50英镑. worse off adv.恶化,情况更坏;
这句话怎么理解,(直译的话好像不合乎逻辑),从语法上讲worse off 修饰谁,谢谢!

worse off 被视为一个固定词组,意思是:更穷、更差、(情况)更坏。英语解释是:less, poorer, or in a more difficult situation; 同时这个词组也是个比较级形式,所以也有很多worse off than...的表达法。

句子说“加税意味着我们每月要少50磅。” worse off = less. 如果想成比较级,也可以是:The increase in taxes means that we will be 50 pounds a month worse off (than before).

再有,每月50磅,也是个固定表达法啊,并不是名词词性了。 ₤50/month 是形容词性了吧。

Note: "worse off" 强调的是更穷、情况更糟糕;和另外一个词组 better off 并不一样。(它们在意思上不完全对立)追问

The increase in taxes means that we'll be worse off by 50 pounds a month?by 怎么解释?
The increase in taxes means that we will be 50 pounds a month worse off。 ₤50/month 这类短语可以做形容词性?可不可以举几个例子? 谢谢!

第1个回答  2013-09-01
The increase in taxes means that we'll be 50 pounds a month worse off

=The increase in taxes means that we'll be worse off by 50 pounds a month.

worse off :worse 形容词, 修饰从句子主词 we.

(书上翻译)加税后我们每月收入就要少50英镑 , 翻译得体本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-09-01
第3个回答  2013-09-01
没修饰谁,50 pounds a month 修饰 worse off。追问

50 pounds a month 可以修饰 worse off吗?不懂,可不可以详细解释下,谢谢!


我们会“恶化”。怎样“恶化”,50 pounds a month的“恶化”。