

Keyboard, as the name suggests, is the keyboard as a weapon for the sky, walker chivalrous, wandering network arena, here "Xia" word, more ridicule means. The biggest feature of the keyboard can be summed up as: the keyboard in the hand, invincible hands over the world, leaving the keyboard deaf ears turned away. As soon as the computer was turned on, the keyboard man immediately became like another, knocking an irresponsible remarks out of indignation.
"Keyboardist" resorted to indiscriminate attacks on news events and news people. They often ignore the truth itself, make good use of the concepts of double standards and transitions, find fault and provoke conflicts. Some simple and rude keyboard Man, rude mouth is swearing, scolded and curse, if someone replies or agree, just hit the blood like, scolded even more powerful; some are discussing the problem, the double standard is very funny, grabbing others Sentence two words to make senseless attack.
Most of the keyboard Xia only see the sentence they want to see, in the case of not knowing the truth, they began to advertise their views and opinions online. When this phenomenon is expanded, more and more netizens will be motivated to join in to further expand the situation and cause serious adverse effects. Certainly, some people find it hard to find their own way for the sake of their own interests or even just to satisfy their dark psychology. Happy. Many others will use this as an example to exert their imagination to imitate and even inflict some so-called facts, and their motivation may only be to satisfy the vanity of being given a hot comment. The company is located in:
In addition to these more passionate keyboards, there are some things that are not related to their high hanging, from time to time to throw out a statement that most people are unacceptable, this type of keyboard is the whole incident The key to upgrading is white-hot. I have nothing to do with my life, I am dead or alive, I am right or wrong. I just talk about it. You can not leave me with a cable. Deliberately aroused the party's indignation, if the parties tough personality, to debate, tear, really do not want to be the opposite is the middle and the next, the keyboard Xiaopaeru things more loudly.
Keyboard Xia generally can not say anything good, how vicious language can have more malicious, intended to anger each other, provoking disputes. They feel good about themselves, take pride in finding fault, and express self-fulfillment through the idea of opposing for opposition. They negate everything and steal the concept. Can not understand others outstanding, can not be used to being concerned about other people, so always attack those who attract people and things. Keyboard Man is best at out of context. They do not care about the truth, they just look at the parties in the words and deeds have left no loopholes in the handle. As long as there is grasping criticism out of relentless fighting, wantonly attack.
Keyboard Man always stand on the high point that they think "reasonable", domineering menace immersed in the personal attacks can not extricate themselves, especially in the more extreme the more eye-catching network era. In many cases, we can only choose silence but we can not see it. However, it does not mean that we do not argue with it. It just means it is unnecessary. The more you fight with them, the more you talk to them, the more likely you are to die.
Returning to Yao Chen's "Internet Carnival," the entire incident clearly warned us that the simple station of indulging in emotions has never lacked a market without rational thinking and extreme thinking. We have long been more than once aware of its dangers With destructive power.
As ordinary Internet users, perhaps we are not noble, but must not be blindly follow the "keyboard man" and despicable accomplice of cyberbullying. We should improve our own culture of literacy and reflect on the possible consequences of what we say and do on the Internet. To improve the ability to distinguish the authenticity of network information, rational understanding, thinking and comment on news events. At the same time, we should learn to protect ourselves and pay attention to the handling of private information so as to avoid becoming victims of cyberbullying.