
A Chinese woman studying business law in Japan has a question about studying a different kind of law. Wang Yuxian says she is a Christian and would like to know about theological seminary programs for foreign students in the United States.

A theological seminary is a graduate school of religion and a professional school for training religious leaders.

Foreign students who want to study at a seminary in the United States apply just as they would to any other graduate school. They have to meet the academic and English language requirements and prove they would be able to pay for their studies.

Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California, is one of the largest in North America. Today it has more than four thousand students from about seventy countries.

Fuller is one of 253 schools accredited by the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada. An accredited school is one that has passed inspection by a rating group like the association. All of the schools are Christian. But other schools train leaders in Judaism, Islam, Buddhism and other faith traditions.

The Fuller Theological Seminary opened in 1947. It has three schools: Theology, Intercultural Studies and Psychology. It also has a center for lifelong learning.

Students at Fuller can earn a doctor of ministry degree or more than twenty other graduate degrees. Examples include a master's degree in marital and family therapy and a master's in global leadership.

There are also degree programs taught in Korean and Spanish. And Fuller admits some students through its English as a second language program.

Some degree programs cost more than others. One year at Fuller can cost anywhere from 12,000 to 24,000 dollars.

International students can apply for scholarships and grants. But Fuller says that normally they will not be permitted to work during the time of their studies. The same is true for family members.

And that's the VOA Special English Education Report, written by Nancy Steinbach. We began our Foreign Student Series on higher education in the United States in September. We are almost at the end of the series. But all of the reports, including this one, can be found along with links to helpful sites at voaspecialenglish.com. I'm Steve Ember.


一个在日本学习商务法律的中国妇女对于学习另一种不同的法律有些问题要提。Wang Yuxian说她是一个基督徒,想知道在美国对外国学生开设的神学院的课程。
这就是VOA特殊英语教报导,出自Nancy Steinbach。外国学生系列高级教育已在9月份,在美国开始了。该系列已经差不多快结束了。但你可以在所有的报导中(也包括这一则)找到voaspecialenglish.com网站中的连接,这将会很有帮助。我是Steve Ember。
第1个回答  2008-07-02
学习商业法的中国妇女在日本有关于学习一不同的一个问题法律。 Wang Yuxian说她是基督徒,并且希望知道关于外国学生的神学院节目在美国


在美国想要学习在一张温床的外国学生申请正他们会到其他研究生院。 他们必须遇见学术,并且英语要求和证明他们能支付他们的研究。

更加充分的神学院在帕萨迪纳,加利福尼亚,是一个最大在北美洲。 今天它有超过从大约七十个国家的四千名学生。

更加充分的是神学院的协会检定的253所学校之一在美国和加拿大。 一所被检定的学校是通过了检查象协会的一个规定值小组的一个。 所有学校基督徒。 但是其他学校训练在犹太教、回教、佛教和其他信念传统的领导。

更加充分的神学院在1947年打开了。 它有三所学校: 神学、文化间的研究和心理学。 它也有毕生学习一个中心。

更加充分的学生能赢得部程度或超过其他二十个硕士学位的医生。 例子在婚姻和家庭疗法和在全球性领导的一位大师的包括一个硕士学位

也有在韩国语和西班牙语教的学位点。 并且更加充分通过它的英国录取有些学生作为第二个语言节目

有些学位点比其他花费了更多。 在更加充分的罐头的一年花费了从任何地方12,000到24,000美元。

国际学生能申请奖学金和津贴。 但是更加充分说在他们的研究期间,他们通常不会被允许运作。 同样真实对家庭成员。

并且那是VOA特别英国教育报告,写由南希斯坦贝奇。 我们在美国开始了我们的在高等教育的外国学生系列在9月。 我们几乎是在系列的结尾。 但是所有报告,包括这一个,可以与有用的站点的链接一起被找到voaspecialenglish.com的。 我是史蒂夫炭烬。
第2个回答  2008-07-02