black 除了黑色还有什么意思


  black: [ blæk ]
  a. 黑色的
  n. 黑人,黑色
  v. (使)变黑
  [ 名词blackness 形容词blackish ]

  black: [ blæk ].n.
  1. the quality or state of the achromatic color of least lightness (bearing the least resemblance to white)
  同义词: blackness | inkiness
  2. total absence of light
  in the black of night
  同义词: total darkness | lightlessness | blackness | pitch blackness
  3. British chemist who identified carbon dioxide and who formulated the concepts of specific heat and latent heat (1728-1799)
  同义词: Joseph Black
  4. popular child actress of the 1930's (born in 1928)
  同义词: Shirley Temple Black | Shirley Temple
  5. a person with dark skin who comes from Africa (or whose ancestors came from Africa)
  同义词: Black person | blackamoor | Negro | Negroid
  6. (board games) the darker pieces

  7. black clothing (worn as a sign of mourning)
  the widow wore black

  make or become black
  The smoke blackened the ceiling
  同义词: blacken | melanize | melanise | nigrify
  1. being of the achromatic color of maximum darkness
  black leather jackets

  2. of or belonging to a racial group having dark skin especially of sub-Saharan African origin
  a great people--a black people--...injected new meaning and dignity into the veins of civilization

  3. marked by anger or resentment or hostility
  black looks

  4. stemming from evil characteristics or forces
  black deeds
  同义词: dark | sinister
  5. offering little or no hope
  the future looked black
  同义词: bleak | dim
  6. (of events) having extremely unfortunate or dire consequences
  同义词: calamitous | disastrous | fatal | fateful
  7. (of the face) made black especially as with suffused blood
  a face black with fury
  同义词: blackened
  8. extremely dark
  a black moonless night
  同义词: pitch-black | pitch-dark
  9. harshly ironic or sinister
  black humor
  同义词: grim | mordant
  10. (of intelligence operations) deliberately misleading
  black propaganda

  11. distributed or sold illicitly
  the black economy pays no taxes
  同义词: bootleg | black-market | contraband | smuggled
  12. (used of conduct or character) deserving or bringing disgrace or shame
  Man...has written one of his blackest records as a destroyer on the oceanic islands
  同义词: disgraceful | ignominious | inglorious | opprobrious | shameful
  13. (of coffee) without cream or sugar

  14. dressed in black
  a black knight

  15. soiled with dirt or soot
  with feet black from playing outdoors
  同义词: smutty

  Black :
  1. 黑色
  . . . f黑色(Black):黑色系由巧克力色和黑色交配而产生。有一段时期黑色颇受欢迎,可是后来因橙色流行,黑色才渐不受重视,再加上许多优秀的黑色牝...

  2. 黑色的,黑市的
  . . . 社会政治与经济类英语热点词块翻译 ...
  treasury bill 国库债券
  Black 黑色的,黑市的
  blank market price 黑市价格 ...

  3. 黑色的
  . . . 字母部分。
  green 绿色的
  black 黑色的
  dog 狗 ...

  Black : 黑色 | 黑色的,黑市的 | 黑色的

  1. After her husband died, she dressed in deep black for the rest of her life.

  2. Black and white are opposites.

  3. The woman was garbed in black.
第1个回答  2008-06-26