


    简单现在时(simple present tense)

    现在进行时(present continuous tense)

    简单过去时(simple past tense)

    过去进行时(past continuous tense)

    现在完成时(present perfect tense)

    现在完成进行时(present perfect continuous tense)

    过去完成时(past perfect tense)

    过去完成进行时(past perfect continuous tense)

    将来简单时(simple future tense)

    将来进行时(future continuous tense)

    将来完成时(future perfect tense)

    将来完成进行时(future perfect continuous tense)

第1个回答  2023-11-29


1.     一般现在时,例句: We have six classes every day. 我们每天上六节课。

2.     现在进行时,例句:I am playing computer games now.我正在打电脑游戏。

3.     现在完成时,例句:She has been to New York twice. 她已经去过纽约两次。

4.     现在完成进行时,例句:He has been teaching math for 10 years.他已经教数学10年了。

5.     一般过去时,例句:I bought 2 comic books yesterday.昨天我买了2本漫画书。

6.     过去进行时,例句:We were playing basketball at 6 p.m. yesterday. 昨天下午6点我们正在打篮球。

7.     过去完成时,例句:The train had already left by the time I got to the station.在我到达车站前,火车就已经离开了。

8.     过去完成进行时,例句:At last he got the offer from the university he had been expecting.他终于收到了期盼已久的大学录取通知书。

9.     一般将来时,例句:I will go to Kunming tomorrow.我明天将会去昆明。

10.  将来进行时,例句:I will be doing my homework this time tomorrow.


11.  将来完成时,例句:By this time next year, I will have graduated from the university. 到明年这个时候,我已经从大学毕业了。

12.  将来完成进行时,例句:By the time the sun rises, I shall have been sleeping for nine hours.太阳升起来之前,我已经睡了9个小时了。

13.  过去将来时,例句:I knew that she would be late.我知道她会迟到。

14.  过去将来进行时,例句:They said they would be coming.他们说了他们将要来。

15.  过去将来完成时(较少使用),例句:He said he would have paid me back the money by the end of the weekend. 他说将在周末前还我钱。

16.  过去将来完成进行时(很少使用)【表示动作从过去某一时间开始一直延续到过去将来某一时间。】,例句:He said that by the end of the spring term he would have been studying English for three years. 他说到了春季学期末,他就学了三年英语了。