
英语作文《我》I, 不要太长,70词左右

我有一个梦我的梦,我知道它永远也不会实现,所以它只是一个梦. ---题记 你爱做梦吗? 我爱做梦,几乎时时都在做梦,我做的梦有很多,比如天使,魔发师,天才,超人,美少女战士,小鸟,宠物,自己手中的毛戎娃娃,天上的星星... 我在看到有中国有些地方的女孩因为缺水全家只用一盆洗脸水时,我也是个女孩呀,我们都那么爱漂亮...我就在想,我现在多么幸福,我就像一个天使一样幸福,所以我想我如果是天使的话,我就让她也和我一样幸福,我要把自己的幸福也传递给她. 当我早上不想起床整理自己的房间时我就在想,如过我是一个魔法师的话,我就不用这么慌张的把一切都搞砸了,让辛苦的妈妈一大早就给我收拾残局,只需要用手中的魔法杖点一下,就好了. 还记得儿时看的美少女战士吗?当我看到新闻上说,地球上又发生战争时,我真的想像美少女战士一样站出来阻止这一切,说一句:我代月亮惩罚你.因为你知道吗?一场战争会给我们带来多少不幸吗?当你用用炮弹炸毁这些房屋时,你可知道建造它时付出了多少心血?你可知道里面曾今是不少人童年...而那些人只是面无表情的听着哄的一声就吧别人的一切都毁了. 每当夜幕降临时而我还在灯下为了将来的生活而苦读书时,看到一群小孩子在楼下玩耍时,我想到了自己,一个没有自由的童年的人,这时我好想当一只小鸟.虽然它不可能有飞机飞的高飞的远,但是它自由. 每到妈妈劳累了一天回家之后我又不忍心去打扰她向她撒娇时,我就很羡慕我自己手中的毛戎娃娃,因为至少还有我抱着它. 放假了,同学们都有家人或朋友们陪伴着时,我就好想当一颗天上的星星,它虽然不大,也不会有太阳一样耀眼的光芒,但至少它在夜幕降临时还有许多同伴. ...人生何其的短,我知道我做的这些梦可能永远也不会完全实现,但我相信,会有许多人来替我实现. I had a dream My dream, I know it will never achieve, it is only a dream. __ Title in mind You love to dream it? I love to dream, almost always are dreaming, I do a lot of dreams, such as angels, Magicians, a genius, Superman, Sailor Moon, birds, pets, baby Maorong own hands, the stars of the sky. . . . . . I saw some Chinese girl just because of water shortage in the family pot of water to wash, I was a girl you, we all love so beautiful. . . . . I was thinking how happy I am, I just like an angel, like the well-being, so I think if I was an angel, she let me share my happiness, my own well-being should also be passed to her. When I get up in the morning do not want to put my room when I was thinking, as I have is a magician, so I do not have to panic on the screw everything up so that hard early in the morning my mother gave me clean up the mess, Mo Fazhang use only in the hands of some point, be just fine. Still remember as a child you look at the Sailor Moon? When I read the news, the war took place on Earth, I imagine, like Sailor M
第1个回答  2013-09-21