if i were a boy什么意思?


《If I Were a Boy》

填    词:BC·简,托比·盖德

谱    曲:BC·简,托比·盖德


If I were a boy,如果我是一个男孩

Even just for a day,哪怕只是一天也好

I’d roll out of bed in the morning,我会一大早起床

And throw on what I wanted and go,匆忙穿上我想穿的衣服然后出门

Drink beer with the guys,和兄弟们一起喝啤酒

And chase after girls,然后追女孩

I’d kick it with who I wanted,我会为了心仪的人戒掉嗜好

And I’d never get confronted for it,我再也不会沾上这些不良嗜好

Because they’d stick up for me,因为她们也会支持我这么做

If I were a boy,如果我是个男生

I think that I’d understand,我想我会明白

how it feels to love a girl,爱上一个女孩子是什么样的感受

I swear I’d be a better man,我保证我会是一个好男人

I’d listen to her,我会听她的话

cause I know how it hurts,因为我知道当失去你的挚爱

when you loose the one you wanted,是怎样的彻夜难眠

cause he’s taken you for granted,因为他把你的一切都当作理所当然

and everything you had got destroyed!,你所有拥有的一切都毁于一旦

If I were a boy,如果我是一个男孩

I would turn off my phone,我会把手机关机

Tell everyone that its broken,然后告诉别人手机坏了

so they think that I was sleeping alone,这样他们就会以为我是一个人睡

I’d put myself first,把自己放在首位

and make the rules as I go,按照我的性子制定规则

cause I know that she’ll be faithful,因为我知道她一定会崇拜遵守

waiting for me to come home ( to come home),在家乖乖等着我 等我回来

If I were a boy,如果我是一个男孩

I think that I could understand,可能就会开始理解

how it feels to love a girl,爱上一个女孩的滋味

I swear I’d be a better man,会发誓成为更好的男人

I’d listen to her,我会听她的话

Cause I know how it hurts,因为我知道当失去你的挚爱

when you loose the one you wanted,是怎样的彻夜难眠

cause he’s taken you for granted,因为他把你的一切都当作理所当然

and everything you had got destroyed!,你所有拥有的一切都毁于一旦

It’s a little too late for you to come back,你回来的已经太晚

Say its just a mistake,告诉我之前的决定是个错误

Think I forgive you like that,以为我会轻易原谅

If you thought I would wait for you,如果你真的觉得我会等你

You thought wrong,你猜错了

But your just a boy,但你也仅仅是个男生

You don’t understand (and you don’t understand),你永远不会体会 (你永远不会了解)

How it feels to love a girl,爱上一个女孩的滋味

Someday you’ll wish you were a better man,有天你也开始发誓会成为更好的男人

You don’t listen to her,你不会聆听她的内心

You don’t care how it hurts,因为你根本不在乎 她有多难受

Until you lose the one you wanted,直到你真的失去她

Cause you taken her for granted,因为你把她的一切都当作理所当然

And everything that you had got destroyed,亲手将其毁掉

But your just a boy…,而你 只不过是个男孩


《If I Were a Boy》是美国女歌手碧昂丝·吉赛尔·诺斯演唱的一首“成人时代”歌曲,歌词、曲谱由BC·简和托比·盖德填写,于2008年10月12日通过索尼音乐娱乐公司发行。后被收录在碧昂丝·吉赛尔·诺斯的第三张录音室专辑《I Am...Sasha Fierce》。2009年2月3日,歌曲的西班牙语版《Si Yo Fuera un Chico》被发布。


《If I Were a Boy》由托比·盖德和BC·简共同创作 ,其灵感来源于BC·简她本人所认为是真心且艰难的一段恋情。在创作过程中,BC·简花费十五分钟完成该歌曲的旋律及歌词,并和托比·盖德一起花费一小时三十分钟完成整首曲子。歌词的创作方式是每当BC·简说过什么有趣的言论后,托比·盖德就拿出录音机把她的话录下来,并写入歌曲中 。

第1个回答  2024-01-15


