



3 .虚拟世界:作为将来的网络系统,第二生命(second life)得到了很多主流媒体的关注,一方面,我们已经在迅速发展第二生命及其他虚拟世界。另一方面,我们已开始通过技术用数字信息诠释地球,如GOOGLE Earth。

4 .移动:移动网络是未来另一个发展前景巨大的网络应用。它已经在亚洲和欧洲的部分城市发展迅猛。今年推出的苹果iphone是美国市场移动网络的一个标志事件。

5 .注意力经济:注意力经济是一个市场,在那里消费者同意接受服务,以换取他们的注意。例子包括:个性化新闻,个性化搜索,消费建议。注意力经济表示消费者拥有选择权,他们可以选择在什么地方'消费'他们的关注。另一个关键因素是注意力是有关联性的,只要消费者看到相关的内容,他/她会继续集中注意力关注,那样就会创造更多的机会来出售。

6 .个性化: 在2008年,个性化一直是一个很强势的话题,特别是对GOOGLE来说。



2. 用英文:你的预测,你认为在未来10年,还有哪些其他的网络发展趋势?


《 黑客帝国》的主要情节:





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Awareness of artificial intelligence

The core of intelligent is cogitation, the examination of the thought process and methods could show the intelligent 's nature.

Intelligent is the sum of the knowledge and intellect. Knowledge is the intelligent action base. Intellect is the ability of receiving knowledge and using it. Intelligent is cerebrum cogitation activity.

The characteristic of intelligent is the capability of perceive, memory and thinking.

Artificial intelligence is a disciplines of study how to structure intelligent machines and intelligent system , to simulate and extend human intelligence.

In May 1997, IBM's Deep Blue Supercomputer played a fascinating match with the reigning World Chess Champion, Garry Kasparov.

The match generated tremendous interest not just in the chess world, but throughout the whole world. For the first time, a computer beat a World Champion at an activity considered to be the exclusive domain of human intelligence.

By way of near-term target electronic digital computer could be more intelligent, useful, and do some numerical and non - numerical calculation, data analysis, using their knowledge to deal with problems, simulation of a part of human thinking.

The long-term goal is to construct the super intelligent computers.

Super intelligent computers are provided with machine perception, thinking, learning, action .

Machine perception means the machine is similar to the perceptual capacity, such as sense of sight and auditory sense.
Thinking machines means external information through perception is to work within the machine information. For example, knowledge expression organizations and reasoning, all kinds of heuristic search and control strategy, neural network.

Machine learning means acquire new knowledge to learn new skills, in practice improved ability to constantly improve.

Machines acts is talking, reading, writing, walking, getting items, operating ,etc.

Would human mind forever gain ascendancy over machines? Would machines always be the tools of us? I think that human wisdom is superior to those manmade machines. Yet, that is not to say that human would always master those former "tools" in the unforeseeable future. Moreover, with rapid developments of science and technology, no one can conclude what would be bound to take place in the future.
