


1、He saved up his money so that he might go abroad for his summer holiday .他把钱积蓄起来,以便暑期能出国度假.

2、He has done so much in so short a time that almost everyone thinks that it is amiracle.他在这么短的时间里取得了这么大的成就,几乎每个人都认为这是奇迹。

3、The generation growing up with TV spend so much of their time in front of TV thatthey hardly have enough time to study.伴随着电视机长大的`一代人在电视机前花的时间太多没有足够的时间用来学习.

4、George often told stories that werent true,so that no one believed him when he toldahout a deer in the school yard.乔治经常讲些不真实的故事,因此当他说校园里有只鹿时,没人相信他的话.

概述 "so... that" 的用法和作用

So... that是一个被动语态的句子结构,用来表示因果关系或结果。它通常用于连接两个句子,其中第一个句子是原因或情况,而第二个句子是结果或影响。这种结构可以帮助我们更清晰地表达因果关系和结果,使句子更有逻辑性和连贯性。
