


  be good for Break the rule put out keep…down far away

  make a living take away face to face count down take

  1. Drinking more water ____________ your health.

  2. You can’t do it. You are ____________ !

  3. Please ____________ when you leave the room.

  4. I really wish she can ____________ .

  5. Stay ____________ from here! It is dangerous!

  6. No matter how you ____________ or who you think you work for, you only work for one person, yourself.

  7.You can’t ____________ these books! They are not mine!

  8.We need to spend much time communicating with each other ____________ .

  9.I ____________ the days of the week until the weekend.

  10.Some urgent business ____________ Shanghai.


  "Meg, we need to talk." "Sure thing, Dad." "I have been to the __1__ several times over the last few days, and well, Meg, I have a brain cancer." "Okay." "Just okay?" “Yep. just okay." It was the second half of my senior year, that__2__ in a girl's life when all the really big exciting events are happening. My final performance, my eighteenth birthday and my graduation, all occupied my mind in just two short months.

  By my final performance Dad couldn't really give his full concentration on it, but he was be good for Break the rule put out keep…down far away make a living take away face to face count down take away there. He bravely sat through my birthday dinner, and he __3__ to get out of the hospital for my graduation. __4__ those months, we both were caring about the same thing—me. His doctor said that by focusing on all my future events, it kept my dad __5__ longer. Nine days after my high school graduation, my father died. For the next two weeks after his funeral, I didn't leave my room. Finally, my mom came in, opened my blinds (百叶窗) and gave me a letter. It was from my father’s doctor. He wrote about how my famer inspired him to change his life and the way he worked. “…He was not __6__ a patient to me. He __7__ more for the people around him than he did his own __8__ . I have never met someone who put everyone else first. He was the type of person I really want to be." I was __9__ . I came to know what I should do. Days later, I got a job as a summer camp volunteer. I contributed everything I had to these little kids, and slowly they helped to heal me without even __10__ what they were doing. Their innocence had helped me rediscover some of mine. That summer __11__ parts of the life my father led in his last few days. I had learned the __12__ lesson my father was teaching me —in order to lead a fulfilling life, you must learn how to give of yourself to others.

  ( )1. A. doctor B. baker C. teacher D. lawyer

  ( )2. A. time B. goal C. story D. thing

  ( )3. A. failed B. needed C. decided D. fought

  ( )4. A. Since B. After C. During D. With

  ( )5. A. alive B. active C. awake D. calm

  ( )6. A. even B. just C. always D. yet

  ( )7. A. cared B. paid C. prepared D. praised

  ( )8. A. benefit B. effort C. pain D. value

  ( )9. A. disappointed B. surprised C. determined D. touched

  ( )10. A. realizing B. believing C. guessing D. expecting

  ( )11. A. indicated B. mirrored C. followed D. performed

  ( )12. A. lively B. final C. interesting D. painful


  Some teenagers think that newspapers are boring and only for adults. But that's not true. There are many interesting stories in the paper. You just need to make clear what you are looking at. "I spend about half an hour reading newspapers every day," said 15-year-old Gao Ming from Beijing. "I'm interested in things happening at school." School news is just one kind of news stories in newspapers. There's also world news, sports news, news about entertainment, etc.

  News stories

  These stories are about events. Reporters try to show all points of a story to help readers understand what happened. Reporters try to speak to as many people as possible. They also use pictures and numbers to show the readers that the stories are true. The newspaper Teenagers has lots of news stories on the news page and front page. When we read them, we learn more about the facts, not the writers’ ideas.

  Opinion writing

  Opinion writing is usually about something happening right now. But it isn't just facts. Here writers add their own opinions to the news. Writers pick only the facts that support their ideas. They make readers believe that they are telling the truth. This is usually the kind of story that gets people thinking. Go to "Speak Out" on Page Two for an example of opinion writing in Teenagers.


  Don't get happy too early when you read them. Those sweet words and lovely pictures are just ways to get us interested in their products! People have to pay to put their advertisements in newspapers!

  1. Writers use some facts in opinion writings because they want us their opinions.

  A. to understand B. to remember C. to agree with D. to speak out

  2.It's not easy to find the facts of an event .

  A. in advertisements B. in the school news

  C. in opinion writing D. on the front page

  3. This passage mainly discusses how .

  A. reporters write different kinds of news.

  B. teenagers get interested in newspapers.

  C. readers can read newspapers in better ways.

  D. people can always get the news they want in newspapers.
第1个回答  2013-10-01
*Tom delayed handing in his homework, _____ is often the case.
A. which B. that C. as D. it
* These are all cases ______ women have been forced by society to endure considerable physical pain and suffering to be more attractive.
A. when B. where
C. that D. which
* Hardship is not a good thing for many people, but it is not so ___ John, who has a strong will.
A. in case of B. in the case of
C. in case D. as is the case
* Here is a contact number, _____ there should be a problem.
A. in case that B. in case of
C. in the case of D. in case
* Such ___ the case, there were no grounds to justify your complaints.
A. is B. was C. being D. we

1. Light music is played ______classes to help students relax themselves.
2. Fond of singing as she is, she is _____ but a good singer by profession.
3. The traditional approach _____dealing with complex problems is to break them down into smaller, more easily managed problems
4. During his stay in hospital, many friends and relatives came to ask ____ him.
5. Many convenience stores stay open ___ the clock.
6. He remembered everything clearly ___ though it had happened only yesterday.
** To our regret, the building __7__(date) back to the Qing Dynasty was reduced __8__ ashes in the fire.
**My idea is that we should set _9_ one third of our earnings for future use.
** The man __10__(accuse) of __11___(attempt) murder was sentenced __12___ fifteen years in prison.
** __13__ from its high price, the dress doesn’t suit your age.
** __14__ to the disappointment of Mr. and Mrs Jones, their daughter’s test scores were well __15___ average.
** When you send an e-mail you can also send a sound or graphic file as an a__16__(附件).
** YOU may have heard a lot about “genetically-modified (GM) foods” in news reports. But what are they? And most __17__(importance) , are they safe or not?
This question is back in the spotlight after a series of incidents in September.
Early this month, Fang Zhouzi, a popular science writer and a __18__(support) of GM food, debated the safety of GM food on the Internet with CCTV’s star host Cui Yongyuan after Fang led more than 20 volunteers __19__(eat) GM corn _which is grown _(grow) in an experimental field at China Agricultural University.
Several days later, lawyers from across the country issued an open letter to the China Food and Drug Administration and the Ministry of Agriculture. They requested that the institutions __21__(make) public information relating to GM food in China, including the varieties of GM food, 。。。。__22___the Ministry of Agriculture said on its website that four-fifths of the global population is eating GM food and it is false that GM food causes tumors (肿瘤) and affects people’s __23___(生育能力), some said the assertions (声称) are not__24__(可靠的).
“Where such s__25___ (数据) and results came from has not been stated clearly,” said Shi Baozhong, a lawyer who s__26__(签名) the open letter, on Sept 16.
The safety of GM food has always been a controversial issue(27 Chinese?) worldwide. Although some studies suggest that it _28__(be) safe for humans, its long-term health effects are not yet known.
In China, the Ministry of Agriculture i_29__(签发) biosafety __30__(证书) for GM crops it considers safe.
In order to be commercially planted, GM food also needs to obtain a variety approval certificate and __business license __, according to Chinese laws __33__(regulate) seeds.
“In China, more than half of cooking oil consumption is soybean oil, and 90 percent of that oil _is made from__(由…制成) GM soybeans.