

1 [Walls] have ears.(名词做主语)
2 [He] will take you to the hosipital.(代词做主语)
3 [Three] plus four equals seven.(数词做主语)
6 [The sick] were taken care of by the local doctors and nurses and [the wounded]were taken to the nearby army hospital.(名词化形容词或分词)
7 [The People's Republic of China] is a great country.(词组做主语)
8 [Whether or not they will come] depends on the weather.(从句做主语)
1 Action speak luoder than words.speak
2 The chance may never come again.may come
3 Tom was very sick at heart. was
4 Mary has been working at the dress store since 1999.has been working
6 He was not recognized by many people.was not recognized
We love China.China
He gave me a book.me是间接宾语,book是直接宾语
1 She covered [her face] with her hands.(名词短语做宾语)
2 We haven't seen [her] for a long time.(代词做宾语)
3 Do you mind [opening] the window?(动名词做宾语)
4 Give me [four],please!(数词做宾语)
5 He wants [to dream ]a nice dream.(动词不定式短语做宾语)
6 The strdents have already learned [how to treat these common diseases].(词组做宾语)
7 Make the past serve [the present] and foreign things serve China.(名词化形容词或分词做宾语)
8 We need to know [what others are doing].(从句做宾语)
1 Give [him] some money.
2 She told [the children] an interesting story.
3 He bought [me] a New English-Chinese Dictionary.
4 Each time he returns from abroad, he brings [us] something new.
1 He died a worthy [death].
2 We live a happy [life].
3 The patient has slipt [a good sleep].
1 The far-reaching significance of [the political and economic reforms] is becoming more and more evident.(名词作介词宾语)
2 We are highly delighted with [what we have seen recently].(从句作介词宾语)