

at hand, 就是近在咫尺。Help was at hand. 帮助就是近在咫尺   在中文中,我们会说“落到某人手里了”在英文中就是fall into sb’s hands  eg. The town fell into enemy’s hands.那个小镇落到敌人的手里了。被敌人控制了。  We don’t want these documents falling into the wrong hands.我们不想让这些文件落入不当的人的手中。  而get your hands dirty 指的是什么呢?会把手弄脏,这其实指的就是做体力工作,to do phisical work . eg. He’s not fritened of getting his hands dirty. 他不怕干体力活。  Guess what does “ask sb’s hand” mean? Well, take an example first. He asked the general for his daughter’s hand. 从表面意思看是,他向将军要将军女儿的手。仔细想想,我们会发现,在西方电影中,我们常看到,婚礼上,新娘的父亲总会挽着女儿的手,然后在一段乐曲过后,缓缓走向新郎,将女儿的手交给新郎,这下,你猜到了吗?He asked the general for his daughter’s hand.就指他请求将军把女儿嫁给他。  What about “hand sth. to sb. on a plate”?把东西放在盘子上交给别人,不就有点拱手让人的意思?Always remember that nobody’s going to hand you success on a plate.要永远记住,没人会把胜利白白送给你。  在英国英语中,put your hand in your pocket 指出钱,掏腰包。I’ve heard he dosen’t like putting his hand in pocket.我听说他手头很紧,不愿多花钱。  而hold sb’s hand 不但指抓住某人的手,而且还引申为帮助某人一把的意思。Eg. Do youwant me to come along and hold your hand?你需要我过去帮帮你吗?  Turn sb’s hand to sth , 能够做。Jim can turn his hand to most jobs around the house.吉姆能担当家里大部分的活。  人多好办事,众人拾柴火焰高,英文就是Many hands make light work..
第1个回答  推荐于2017-06-26
by hand 用手
hands up 举手
hand in hand 手拉手
give sb. a hand 帮某人一把
hand out 分发、散发本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2015-09-19
hand in 交出
by hand 用手
hands up 举手
hand in hand 手拉手
give sb. a hand 帮某人一把
hand out 分发、散发本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2013-07-07
give me a hand帮我个忙
第4个回答  2013-07-07
hand in ;hand by hand