

1. "Liweagoodlifemeetslomy" could be rephrased to "Let good life meet my loneliness" to enhance the sentence's clarity and flow.
2. "Ihopeyourehereforme" can be corrected to "I hope you're here for me" to ensure proper subject-verb agreement and punctuation.
3. "Wanttogiveyouahug,lettheworldknow." can be improved to "I want to give you a hug and let the world know" to correct the punctuation and add a connecting verb.
4. "Theworldissuidernlylatethemountainsriverssreslreadyautum" seems to be a typo-ridden sentence. It can be rewritten as "The world is suddenly late, the mountains and rivers are already autumn" for clarity and correct grammar.
5. "crossthestarsandthemoontomeetyourselfbetter" is a bit unclear and can be revised to "Cross the stars and the moon to meet a better version of yourself" for a clearer meaning and proper syntax.
6. "youarebackitwithallthegoodthingsinthisworld." should be "you bring with you all the good things in this world" to correct the phrasing and grammar.
7. "Oneday,wedonlthavetosaygoodoye,justsaygoodnight." can be rewritten as "One day, we won't have to say goodbye, just say goodnight" to correct the typo and improve readability.
8. "Iwanttosaygoodnighttotheworid.youhappentobetheworld." can be combined into one sentence: "I want to say goodnight to the world, and you happen to be the world" for a more coherent message.
9. "Imdarkallover,andIalwayswanttogivesunshinetoothers." can be revised to "I'm dark all over, and I always want to give sunshine to others" to correct the punctuation and maintain proper sentence structure.
10. "Aroundthegalaxy,therearenobrighterstarsthanyou." can be rephrased as "Around the galaxy, there are no brighter stars than you" for correct punctuation and grammatical flow.
11. "ItsbettertomakemethylethylpropanedineinQingDynasty." seems to be a metaphor but could be clearer. It can be rewritten as "It's better to be just甲乙丙丁 in the Qing Dynasty" to convey the intended meaning more effectively.
12. "Theweathersuddenlycools,soitstimetoturnthestory." can be improved to "As the weather suddenly cools, it's time to turn the story" for better sentence structure and flow.
13. "Dontdenyyourself,youareverykind,verygentle,especiallyworthwhile." can be rephrased as "Don't deny yourself; you are very kind, very gentle, and especially worthwhile" to correct the punctuation and add emphasis.
14. The last entry is repeated and can be omitted since it was already mentioned earlier in the list.