

剧情片《夏天》于2008年在英国发行。电影一开始,展现的是两个中年男子的生活片断。落魄颓废的肖恩照顾轮椅上的戴斯——肖恩帮戴斯洗澡,料理他的生活,带他去看病,医生给他们的通告是,戴斯只能活4到8周的时间了。肖恩很伤感,戴斯也很绝望,两人靠彼此的争吵发泄,但是依然不离不弃。我正怀疑这是否是部同性恋题材的电影?之后的插叙令真相大白。   肖恩和戴斯是一对铁哥们,好朋友,他们从小玩到大,一起骑快车,一起捣乱,一起做坏事。他们甚至爬进教务室,往学生档案里撒尿。他们荒废了各自的学业,他们唯一所拥有的就是彼此的友谊,对肖恩而言,还有他的初恋女友凯特。   那时侯的童年很放纵,很快乐;那时候的夏天也很阳光,很灿烂;爱情,友谊,无拘无束的滋长着。   然而,一切因一场事故而改变。肖恩因违反校规,被学校开除,为发泄怨恨,肖恩点燃了学校的话剧舞台。火警响起,戴斯骑摩托车带着肖恩仓皇而逃。警察赶到,肖恩跳下摩托车,只顾自己,独自逃窜,骑着摩托车的戴斯手足无措,他呼喊着肖恩的名字,却被警车意外撞倒。
Drama "summer" issued in 2008 in Britain.Film to start with, the show is two middle-aged man's life.And decadent Sean to take care of the wheelchair deiss - shaun bathe deiss, arrange his life, bring him to see a doctor, the doctor gave their announcement, paradise can only live 4 to 8 weeks.Deiss Sean is sad, also very desperate, two people depend on each other to vent the quarrel, but still.I am doubt that it is a gay romance movie?After the interleave the truth.Shawn and dace is a pair of iron elder brothers, good friends, and they grew up playing big, riding fast together, together, together to do bad things.They climbed into the teaching room, even to urinate into the student file.They abandoned their studies, the only thing they have is each other's friendship, for Sean and his first love girlfriend Kate Middleton.At the time of childhood very, very happy;When the summer is very sunlight, very bright;Love, friendship, unfettered breed.However, everything changes due to an accident.Sean for violating rules, was expelled from school, to vent their resentment, Sean ignited the school drama stage.Fire alarm rang, paradise on a motorcycle, Sean fled helter-skelter.Police arrived, shaun jumped off the motorcycle, self-seeking, fleeing alone, riding a motorcycle deiss unprepared, he shouted Sean's name, was knocked down by a police car accident.