


其做n.时,意思为酒吧; (出售饮料等的) 柜台; (专售某类饮食的) 小吃店,小馆子;    

其做v.时,意思为(用铁条或木条) 封,堵; 阻挡; 拦住; 禁止,阻止(某人做某事);




1、We met at a bar called the Flamingo.


2、I'll see you in the bar later


3、After the bombing, the whole area wasbarredto the public.

4、The members voted tobarwomen from the club.

5、Be sure tobarall the doors before you leave.
在离开前, 务必把所有的门都闩上。

其他:第三人称单数:bars 复数:bars 现在分词:barring 过去式:barred过去分词:barred    


第1个回答  2019-07-20








第2个回答  2018-08-04

②法律界(legal profession);
③律师(总称)(lawyers collectively)本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2016-04-28
  n. 条,棒本回答被网友采纳
第4个回答  2013-07-10
bar1 [bɑ:] n.1. (木、金属等的)条2. (常用作栅栏、扣拴物、杠杆等的)杆,棒(窗、门等的)闩【足球】(球门等的)横木【田径】(跳高架等的)横杆【体操】单杆 b) 【芭蕾舞】(练功用的)把杆,扶手3. (固体物质的)长块(长方形的)块(椭圆形的)块4. (绶带上表示受勋者曾参加过某次战役或第二次获同一勋章的)金属带;彩色勋带(领章、肩章上的)军阶杠,表示军阶的(细金属)线条(或带)【纹章学】(盾形纹章上的)横条纹,平纹【缝纫】(花边上的)狭条连线(衣端或纽扣的)横线针迹5. (光或色等形成的)线条,条纹,带6. (港口、河口等处影响航行的)沙滩,沙洲7. 栅,栏;障碍;路障,障碍物[复数]限制性规定8. 售酒(有时也售饮料、食品)柜台(带轮子的)餐柜;酒柜(常带轮子的)上酒小车酒吧间(专售某种商品的)柜台,专柜9. 法庭(审判席、律师席或被告席的)围栏(法庭中的)审判席,律师席(或被告席)法庭(以前英国律师协会)分隔讲师席和学员厅座的栅栏10. 审判的场所[比喻]审判台,法庭制裁,谴责11. [the bar或the Bar][总称]律师界律师职业12. 【法律】权力要求(或诉讼)的中止(或失效)足以使权力要求(或诉讼)中止(或失效)的抗辩(或反对)13. [英国英语](议院中的)围栏14. 【音乐】小节纵线(五线谱上的纵线,把五线谱分成小节)小节= double bar15. (取暖电炉的)供热电阻丝16. 橇杆,橇杠,橇棍17. (马嚼子的)口衔铁装口衔铁的马嘴部位,(马上颌无齿部位)装口衔处18. 【动物学】马蹄壁弯端19. 【建筑学】窗格条,窗芯子;门中挺20. [英国俚语]一金镑硬币vt.1. 在…设置栅门(或栅栏);闩上,闩(门、窗等):You should bar the door before retiring for the night.你晚上睡前应闩上门。Bar the barn door so the cows can't get out.闩上牲口棚门以免牛跑出去。2. (用栅栏)阻挡,拦住,阻塞,封锁(道路等):The police barred the exits in an attempt to prevent the terrorist's escape.警察堵住了各出口,以防恐怖分子逃跑。3. 挡住;阻挠,阻止,阻拦(常与from连用):They barred her entrance to the theatre.他们阻止她进剧场。Reporters were barred from the courtroom.记者们被拦在法庭门外。4. 排斥,排挤,使在外,除去;禁止,不准(常与from连用):He was barred from the contest.他被排斥在比赛之外。They barred her participating.他们禁止她参加。5. 把…排除在外不予考虑;不顾,把…置于一旁:I'll dance but I bar tonight.我愿跳舞,可是今晚不打算跳。barring certain possibilities把某种可能性排除在外6. 禁闭,关;使隔离:They barred the reporters out of the courtroom.他们把记者关在法庭门外。She barred herself in.她把自己关在里面。7. 用线条画(标)出,在…上划(出)线条,饰条纹于[常用被动语态]:cloth barred with blue stripes蓝色条纹布8. 【法律】(用法律手段)反对(或阻止、禁止);中止(诉讼)的进行;妨碍(权力要求)的提出;使丧失行使权力的资格:The plaintiff's right to set aside the deed is barred by laches.原告解约的权利由于迟迟不予行使而不得再次提出。9. 【音乐】用小节线把(乐谱等)分为小节10. [英国俚语]厌恶,反对(人或习惯等):I bar her smoking.我讨厌她吸烟。prep.除…之外,除外:The most reliable car on the market, bar none.市场上最耐用的汽车,每辆都可靠,无一例外。近义词:hinder . shoal . 变形:vt.barredbarringbar2 [bɑ:] n.【鱼类】鹰石首鱼(产于地中海)bar3 [bɑ:] n.1. 【力学】巴(压强单位)2. 【声学】巴(声压单位)[参见microbar,略作 b]bar4 [bɑ:] n.[美国方言]蚊帐 (= mosquito net)bar5 [bɑ:] n.[苏格兰英语]滑稽的故事(或事情)玩笑[亦作 baur, bawr]BARabbr.Browning automatic rifle 勃朗宁自动步枪Bar [bɑ:] 巴尔(黑山共和国南部港市)Bar.abbr.1. Barrister2. 【圣经】Baruchbar.abbr.1. barometer2. barometric3. barrel4. barristerBAr.abbr.Bachelor of Architecture 建筑学士bar [bɑ:] n.1. a room or establishment where alcoholic drinks are served over a counterhe drowned his sorrows in whiskey at the bar 2. a counter where you can obtain food or drinkhe bought a hot dog and a coke at the bar 3. a rigid piece of metal or wood; usually used as a fastening or obstruction or weaponthere were bars in the windows to prevent escape 4. musical notation for a repeating pattern of musical beatsthe orchestra omitted the last twelve bars of the song 5. an obstruction (usually metal) placed at the top of a goalit was an excellent kick but the ball hit the bar 6. the act of preventingthere was no bar against leaving 7. (meteorology) a unit of pressure equal to a million dynes per square centimeterunfortunately some writers have used bar for one dyne per square centimeter 8. a submerged (or partly submerged) ridge in a river or along a shorethe boat ran aground on a submerged bar in the river 9. the body of individuals qualified to practice law in a particular jurisdictionhe was admitted to the bar in New Jersey 10. a block of solid substance (such as soap or wax)a bar of chocolate 11. a portable .30 caliber automatic rifle operated by gas pressure and fed by cartridges from a magazine; used by United States troops in World War I and in World War II and in the Korean War12. a horizontal rod that serves as a support for gymnasts as they perform exercises13. a heating element in an electric firean electric fire with three bars 14. (law) a railing that encloses the part of the courtroom where the judges and lawyers sit and the case is triedspectators were not allowed past the bar v.1. prevent from entering; keep outHe was barred from membership in the club 2. render unsuitable for passagebarricade the streets 3. expel, as if by official decree4. secure with, or as if with, barsHe barred the door 以上来源于: WordNet