



  1.play table tennis

  2.play ping-pong

  play table tennis造句

  1. We usually go to play table tennis out of hours.


  2. I like playing football best, but occasionally I play table tennis, too.

  我最喜欢踢足球, 偶尔也打打乒乓球.

  3. Playing ( at ) chess is no fun; let's go to play table tennis.

  下棋没劲, 还是去打乒乓球 吧.

  4. She watched the children play table tennis.


  5. Do you like to play table tennis?

  你爱打乒乓球 吗 ?

  6. He loves to play table tennis.


  7. We often play chess, swim and play table tennis together.

  我们经常一起下棋, 游泳和打乒乓球.

  8. Almost all people in China, old and young , men and women, like to play table tennis.

  在我国, 几乎所有的人, 男女老少, 都喜欢打乒乓球.

  9. Sometimes, I also play table tennis, or go swimming.

  有时, 我也打乒乓球, 或游泳去.

  10. She can roller blade, play the piano and play table tennis.

  她会滑旱冰, 弹钢琴,打乒乓球.

  play ping - pong的例句

  1. Of course KaKa will learn to play ping - pong.


  2. Although I can't play ping - pong, I can learn it.

  尽管我不会打乒乓球, 但是我可以学.

  3. This table is for you to play ping pong on.


  4. We play ping pong after school from Monday to Friday.


  5. In the army holpital, Forrest is learning to play Ping - Pong.

  (在战地医院中, 阿甘正在学打乒乓球. )

  6. Perhaps you can invite your friend to play ping pong together.

  那么回到上面的句子,如何翻译“也许你可以邀请这朋友和你一起打乒乓球. ”

  7. Forrest : Done this mean I can't play Ping - Pong no more?

  福勒斯特: 这是不是就意味着我再也不能打乒乓球了?

  8. We play ping - pong in the gym.


  9. I like to play ping - pong.


  10. We often play ping - pong in the afternoon.
