

Reading is a good topic to discuss. As we all know, knowledge is not accumulated at one day. We have to learn day after day, we have to read quite a lot of books. Reading is one way of imitating while imitating is a good way of learning something new. When we are reading for several times, we would acquire a skill of language sense, we may master good vocabulary , sentences and structure composing.
Reading also gives us access to the world described in the books. Reading also makes it available to understand author's thoughts that we also potentially improve the way of thinking.
Reading enriches our life and enriches our knowledge.
From the thick pages, we are able to cross the Ancient and Modern and from China to Foreign Countries. Reading Enhances Individual Literacy and Wisdom.
第1个回答  2019-01-08
Reading is of significant importance for us.
It can open our eyes to people,teach us to love all sorts of people,high and low,rich and poor,the old and little children.It teaches me to hate hypocrisy and pious mouthing of unctuous words.It teaches me that beneath gruffness there may be kindness,and that kindness is the sweetest thing in the world,and goodness is the best thing in the world.It can also teach us to despise money grubbing.Reading has its own virtue.The virtue is a great zest for life,which is an immense joy in life and in people,and in their variety.
To sum,reading can make itself a part of us forever.
第2个回答  2019-01-07
Speaking of reading , many people are excited because reading brings them both knowledge and entertainment. By reading, we can learn lots of information and know our history. But for some people, reading is not their priority. They will choose to watch movies to have fun. However, I think people can benefit a lot by reading. reading can let us know what have happened in history.

All in all, we can find lots of benefits through reading.
第3个回答  2019-01-07
The ancients said, "Opening a book is good", that is to tell us that reading has many advantages, so we should read well, and we will have achievements in the future. More reading can enrich oneself, more reading can increase knowledge, more reading can increase knowledge.The study found that illiterate Italians and older people who have read for five years have 14 to 1 rates of dementia among the elderly, that is to say, older people without reading have 14 times more chances of dementia than those with reading.