
暖和的春天来了。池塘里的冰融化了。青蛙妈妈睡了一个冬天,也醒来了。她从泥洞里爬出来,扑通一声跳进池塘里,在水草上生下了很多黑黑的圆圆的卵。 春风轻轻地吹过,太阳光照着。池塘里的水越来越暖和了。青蛙妈妈下的卵慢慢地都活动起来,变成一群大脑袋长尾巴的蝌蚪,他们在水里游来游去,非常快乐。 有一天,鸭妈妈带着她的孩子到池塘中来游水。小蝌蚪看见小鸭子跟着妈妈在水里划来划去,就想起自己的妈妈来了。小蝌蚪你问我,我问你,可是谁也不知道。 “我们的妈妈在哪里呢?” 他们一起游到鸭妈妈身边,问鸭妈妈: “鸭妈妈,鸭妈妈,您看见过我们的妈妈吗?请您告诉我们,我们的妈妈是什么样的 呀?” 鸭妈妈回答说:“看见过。你们的妈妈头顶上有两只大眼睛,嘴巴又阔又大。你们自己 去找吧。” “谢谢您,鸭妈妈!”小蝌蚪高高兴兴地向前游去。 一条大鱼游过来了。小蝌蚪看见头顶上有两只大眼睛,嘴巴又阔又大,他们想一定是妈 妈来了,追上去喊妈妈:“妈妈!妈妈!” 大鱼笑着说:“我不是你们的妈妈。我是小鱼的妈妈。你们的妈妈有四条腿,到前面去找吧。” “谢谢您啦!鱼妈妈!”小蝌蚪再向前游去。 一只大乌龟游过来了。小蝌蚪看见大乌龟有四条腿:心里想,这回真的是妈妈来了,就追上去喊:“妈妈!妈妈!” 大乌龟笑着说:“我不是你们的妈妈。我是小乌龟的妈妈。你们的妈妈肚皮是白的,到前面去找吧。” “谢谢您啦!乌龟妈妈!”小蝌蚪再向前游去。 一只大白鹅“吭吭”地叫着,游了过来。小蝌蝌看见大白鹅的白肚皮,高兴地想:这回可真的找到妈妈了。追了上去,连声大喊:“妈妈!妈妈!” 大白鹅笑着说:“小蝌蝌,你们认错了。我不是你们的妈妈,我是小鹅的妈妈。你们的 妈妈穿着绿衣服,唱起哥来‘各各各’的,你们到前面去找吧。” “谢谢您啦!鹅妈妈!”小蝌蚪再向前游去。 小蝌蚪游呀、游呀,游到池塘边,看见一只青蛙坐在圆荷叶上“各各各”地唱歌,他们 赶快游过去,小声地问:“请问您:您看见了我们的妈妈吗?她头顶上有两只大眼睛,嘴巴 又阔又大,有四条腿,白白的肚皮,穿着绿衣服,唱起来‘各各各’的………” 青蛙听了“各各”地笑起来,她说“唉!傻孩子,我就是你们的妈吗呀” 小蝌蚪听了,一齐摇摇尾巴说:“奇怪!奇怪!我们的样子为什么跟您不一样呢?” 青蛙妈妈笑着说:“你们还小呢。过几天你们会长出两条后腿来;再过几天,你们又会长出两条前腿来,四条腿长齐了,脱掉了绿衣服,就跟妈妈一样了,就可以跟妈妈跳到岸上 去捉虫吃了。” 小蝌蚪听了,高兴得在水里翻起跟头来:“啊!我们找到妈妈了!我们找到妈妈了!好 妈妈,好妈妈,您快到我们这儿来吧!您快到我们这儿来吧!” 青蛙妈妈扑通一声跳进水里,和她的孩子蝌蚪一块儿游玩去了。

To the warm spring. Pond ice has melted. Mom slept a frog in winter, but also a wake up. She climbed out from the mud holes, Putong out jumped into the pond, water plants, giving birth to a lot of black round eggs. Spring breeze gently Chuiguo, the solar illumination. Pond of water has increasingly warmer. The mother frog eggs are slowly activities, and a long tail of a large head of the tadpoles, they travelled in the water to travel to, very happy. One day, Ya Mama to take her children to swim in the pond. Small tadpoles with her mother to see small ducks in the water is zoned to zoned to, think of their mothers have come. Small tadpole you ask me, I ask you, but who do not know. "Where is our mother?» "They travelled together to close Ya Mama, Ya Mama asked:" Ya Mama, Ya Mama, you see our mother? »You please tell us, our mother what kind of ah» "Ya Mama replied:" seen. Your mother on the head with two big eyes, big mouth and wide. Your own to find it. "" Thank you, Ya Mama! "Small tadpoles happily forward Travelled to. A big fish from the Tour. Small tadpole to see the head on two big eyes, mouths wide and big, they want to be the mother, Quhan catch up with her mother: "Mama! Mama!" Big fish smiled and said: "I am not your mother. I Is the fish's mother. Your mother has four legs, to go in front of it. "" Thank you! Fish mother! "Tadpoles to small forward to travel. A large turtle from the Tour. Small tadpole to see the turtle has four legs: hearts think this is really back to the mother, to catch up with Quhan: "Mama! Mama!" Big tortoise said with a smile: "I am not your mother. I was a small turtle Mother. Your mother is a white belly, to go in front of it. "" Thank you! Turtle mother! "Tadpoles to small forward to travel. A large white goose "Hanghang" and Jiao Zhe, from the Tour. Keke small to see the big white goose white belly, is pleased to think: This can really back to find the mother. Recovering a boost, repeatedly shouted: "Mama! Mama!" White Goose said with a smile: "Ke Ke, you admit. I am not your mother, I Gosling's mother. Your mother wearing green clothes and sing From Columbia to 'Golgotha all', you have to go in front of it. "" Thank you! Mother Goose! "Tadpoles to small forward to travel. Small tadpole You ah, ah Tour, swam to the pond edge, to see a frog sitting on a round lotus leaves, "the Golgotha" to sing, they quickly travel the past, Xiaoshengdewen: "Will you: you see our mother ? »Her head with two big eyes, big mouths and wide, has four legs, Bai Baidi belly, wearing green clothes and sing together 'Golgotha of the'………" After listening to the frog "Golgotha" smile , She said "Oh! Stupid child, I was your mother? Ah" after listening to small tadpoles, together shaking his tail, said: "strange! Strange! Why we look to you do not like it» "frog mother said with a smile : "You were small then. In a few days to your president down to two; In a few days, you will grow to two Qiantui, four-leg length, the Green took off his clothes, just Like a mother, you can skip to the shore with her mother Quzhuo insects eat. "Tadpoles after listening to small, happy in the past in the water Fanqigentou:" ah! We found my mother! We found my mother! Good mother, a good mother You approaching we come here, you are approaching here we come! "Frog jumped into the water out Putong mother, and her children to play together a tadpole.