

答:原题改自此文:难忘的事件 An Unforgettable Incident
Some people live in the world for body while others for dignity.
I once took a walk along the street on a Saturday dusk, 16.【with】 a Pepsi can in my hand. An old woman in ragged clothes staggered towards me, with a sack on the back--another poor woman 17.(【who】 was) living on collecting used cans, jars and tins! 18.【Walking】 nearer she looked up at me and then fixed her eyes on my can. At that time, I hadn't finished my cola, so I gave19.【 her】 several coins instead.
I was wrong.
She stared at me 20.【for】 a few seconds and handed back the money. Quite confused I asked:"Why not? Isn't that 21.【_what_】 you want?"
"I am not a beggar," she said 22.【seriously】, word by word.
Instantly, I felt so sorry. I 23.【 had intended 】to help her, regarded her as a beggar instead of an ordinary man. Thus I hurt her.What I could do at that moment was only to drink up the cola and handed her 24.【the】 emptied can. This time, she gave me a smile with some 25.【_gratification_】 and gratitude in her eyes. The woman is poor in material life but is so respectable as a man. I am not only moved but also have learned a good lesson.
17.题作了一些改动。原文中的another ...! 是作者心理的想法。改过之后有欠缺。作者原本是不知道,不认识这人的,以为她与其她的拾荒者没有什么不同,甚至当她是个没有自尊的乞丐!所以才有给钱的举动。
21. isn't that +名词性从句,由what引导的,常译作:XX所XX的。what you want 你想要的
23. intend 用过去完成时,had intended to do sth.=intended to have done sth.都表示“本想。。。”,
25题你做对了,题目改不当!(不如换一个词考。)这里的gratification 与gratitude是近义词,表示她眼睛里流露出来的是“喜悦和感激”。 用satisfation,是不当的。一般只有父母、老师,长辈等等对子女、小辈、下属表示“满意”,说一个拾荒者对施主表示 satisfaction,用词不当。当然你的填词是对的。

gratification n.
(fml 文)
1 [U] gratifying or being gratified; state of being pleased or satisfied 喜悦; 满意; 满足
satisfaction n.
1 [U] feeling of contentment felt when one has or achieves what one needs or desires 满意; 满足
不过,文中的两个man用词不当。不如改为:(23题句)an ordinary person 和 (倒数第二句)as a human being.

第1个回答  2013-02-09
16 with 表伴随 指手里拿着。。。
17 who 非限制性定语从句 修饰前面的 old woman。先行词old woman在从句中做主语所以用关系代词who.
18 walking现在分词做时间状语
19 her宾格做宾语
20 for是一个介词用于一段时间前, for a few senconds 就是一会的意思
22 seriously副词修饰前面的动词said。认真地说。严肃地说
23填intended. intend to do sth准备做某事,打算做某事,根据文章内容发生在过去,所以用过去时态
24 the是一个定冠词,特指后面的空罐头
25 satisfaction 名词满意。因前有介词所以用名词。不能用形容词。 a smile with satisfaction带着满意的微笑本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-02-09
16 with 表伴随 指他手里拿着一个什么东西
17 who 非限制性定语从句 修饰前面的 old woman
18 这应该是个省略句,补充完整是:When she walked nearer....因为前后主语一样,且前半句的walk是主动,所以前半句省去when和主语,并将walk改成进行时态
19 这个很简单 不是语法问题 你应该知道的
20 for是一个介词, for a few senconds 就是几秒钟,一会儿的意思,这句话的意思是:她盯着我看了几秒
22 seriously副词修饰前面的动词said
23 intend to do sth准备做某事,打算做某事,根据文章内容发生在过去,所以用过去时态
24 the是一个定冠词,特指后面的空罐头
25 satisfied 形容词 是 满意的 a smile with satisfied 一个满意的微笑
亲 基本上是这样了 我能力有限 嘿嘿 望采纳
第3个回答  2013-02-08
亲 图片不清楚啊
第4个回答  2013-02-08