

提示词语:keep…clean/tidy,not spit in public,not throw litter,turn off the lights,recycle paper,

Now, through a variety of media, everyone is more aware of environmental and development issues there. Many people heard that the disappearance of tropical rain forests, acid rain, ozone depletion, global warming, biodiversity sharply reduced poverty, refugee flows, food crisis and other issues. But for many people, these things have occurred in remote areas, will not happen in the local environment.
However, careful observation we will find that many of these problems have occurred on the ground, even in the campus. School students and teachers are consumers of resources. At the same time, as community members and present or future citizens, teachers and students is also in charge of community development, the community has the responsibility to contribute to sustainable development. If the path of sustainable development than for a runway, then in this runway is not beyond the audience, are all athletes. Environment and development issues is not only the government, everyone is more a matter of personal things.
Environmental knowledge in the 21st century one of the quality of personnel required. To enable teachers and students in-depth knowledge and understanding of the importance of environmental issues, teachers and students improve environmental knowledge and awareness, skills, attitudes, values and behaviour, such as environmental quality. According to the EPA, the State Education Commission, the Central Propaganda Department issued the "Platform for Action on Environmental Education" and the instructions of their superiors and requested the departments concerned in light of the actual school, in recent years, launched a comprehensive development zone secondary schools to create green school activities. Environmental education in school to a major event firmly grasp and genuine understanding of the environment education into the minds of teachers and students.
In the creation of green in the activities of schools, the school has always attached importance to students of environmental education in schools, families, to promote green civilization, and implement environmental action. All do a good job in the meantime, more emphasis on content, insist that the moral, scientific and technological activities, group activities, such as social practice in the areas of environmental awareness and educate students environmental moral values. After several years of exploration and practice, which has achieved good results and accumulated some experience worthy of promotion.

(A) School leaders attach importance to environmental protection work, and establish and improve environmental education organizations, environmental education as a school on the main content.
Schools to set up the Environmental Education Committee, by the principals charge of environmental education, responsible for the work plan for the development and implementation of the Organization; Director General in charge of the campus environmental protection and afforestation and beautification work of Church and State Department director in charge of special education; Registry is responsible for classroom teaching infiltration ; CYL secretary in charge of environmental protection awareness; environmental counselor in charge of environmental education practices and data files. Environmental Education Committee each year based on the actual situation, to develop detailed plans and environmental education theme, student organizations for environmental education activities. Over the past few years, the school of environmental protection work in a solid, effective, and by the provinces, municipalities, departments at all levels of praise.
(2), give full play to the classroom as the main channel, can be used by all the conditions to enable students to master in teaching subjects related to environmental protection, training students in environmental awareness.

In the creation of green schools in the process of giving full play to the school classroom as the main channel, infiltration of environmental knowledge to students. In geography, biology, chemistry, physics, language, politics, health education classes in various subjects in the teaching and knowledge on the organic integration of environmental awareness, learn while in school, learn while natural, so that students in the subtle influence in improving their quality . At the same time, the school has set up extra-curricular activities of environmental protection group, launched a variety of extra-curricular activities, from more areas of environmental awareness among students of infiltration, give full play to classes in the role of environmental education. In addition, schools in-depth teaching and research in environmental education in schools and actively organize teachers in environmental education, teaching and exchange activities, school leaders and teachers over the years has written more than 30 green papers, environmental protection awareness enjoys popular support.

(C), pay attention to "green" publicity

At present, environmental education is imperative in a sense that education students "learn life", so that they are "green-minded." To enable students to have "green" awareness, the school actively create good public opinion atmosphere, consciously organized students to participate in a planned environmental practice, as soon as possible to their environmental awareness and the improvement of moral standards.

First of all, increased environmental funding schools, libraries, reading rooms every year subscription to the Environmental Protection propaganda content of a large number of books, newspapers, school Audio-visual center for a dedicated Environmental Protection video information, the computer in each class are equipped with environmental protection Information software, regular use of after-school organized students to watch, so that students understand the environment the status quo, environmental study and knowledge, thus using their own actions to protect the environment. In addition, the school also has specialized environmental showcase, the students regularly to promote environmental protection knowledge, with the school's environmental education; school CYL Blackboard will promote environmental protection as a forward base, frequently organized between all levels of environmental protection knowledge - Board Index theme of appraisals, through appraisals to let the "green" into the classes; "Jiaoyuanzhisheng" radio station set up a "global village you and me he" column, whenever the activities on the environment: such as Arbor Day, Ainiao Zhou, World Water Day, Earth Day, Environment Day approaching, and so on, actively carry out environmental publicity, and called on the festival theme of each class for serious writing on environmental protection Broadcasting; and the school campus is set up placards on environmental protection, such as energy conservation, pollution reduction , Green consumption, environmental shopping, to improve the environment and save the Earth, and so on. Through these activities carried out so that students from the "I" starting from small start, everything everywhere to the environment in mind.

(4) corporation will actively carry out the theme, Zhutibankuai, seminars and lectures, and other environmental knowledge, mobility, strengthen the environmental awareness of students and environmental practices.

Contact the current environmental problems, the school every year to organizations related to environmental protection seminar. Through lectures, the students learned that the survival of their state of the environment, the Environmental Protection has a new understanding, and enhance the sense of crisis and sense of urgency and responsibility. Many students have written a Experience, has received the expected results.

May this year, the school knowledge in environmental protection after the end of the lecture, are all secular, then carry out a " 'green messenger' commitment to" activities, namely: do not throw waste, clean up the campus environment, noise-reducing, clean living environment; Panzhi not discount flowers, love flowers and trees; care for wild animal protection, not fresh catch; eliminate waste, energy conservation, waste utilization, ecological balance; seized dirty green-maintaining, but also a community of green; spread of green philosophy, the pursuit of green fashion; sown Green, a Green School. All students solemn initiatives in the book signed his name. The event in the whole school students set off to create another upsurge of green schools.

(5), "environmental protection volunteer brigade" as the basis, in accordance with environmental education programmes and activities subject to actively participate in social practice, so that students become "love Green," "green-maintaining" a model.

Since the school set up a "voluntary environmental group", the CYL is responsible for the schools, actively carry out various kinds of social practice. In this year's "Earth Day", the school organized a "meet the Earth Day to commemorate the May 4th movement" of young volunteers operations, parks and development zones to remove the white garbage blue sea area, to care Greenbelt Square, Xianglu Ren distributed leaflets propagating Environmental awareness, calling on people to "promote green consumption, better protection of their homes"; last year's "Arbor Day", the school launched a "species of a tree, a dedication of love" green activities, school teachers and students organizations enthusiastically planting trees and grass; In the 20th, "Ai Niaozhou" is approaching, the school held a "birds of concern, love nature, building green home" as the theme of "Ai Niaozhou" technology cartoon contest, the winning entries in the school environment Publicity column on the exhibition in the first 30 "World Environment Day", the school launched a "green Shouchao Bao" appraisals and "I love my home" environmental essay contest, and the organization of specialized judges of the entries for the competitions , Respectively评出1, 2, third place total of 52 people; school CYL in the annual "World Water Day" to voluntary organizations environmental team on the community, to investigate the water situation, this activity has effectively improved the students The development and protection of water resources knowledge. The first two days of environmental protection unit also established a waste separation system, the detachment sent to the other three initiatives, and called on people to collect garbage classification and recycling of used batteries, such as work, use of spare time they took to the streets of sanitation inspections Team, maintaining a loyal defender of the environment. These activities rich in content and diversity, good students to the study of knowledge, capacity-building, and training will enhance the awareness of environmental protection purposes.
(6), starting from around the trivial, so green defender.
Focus on education teachers and students from schools around the small start, and consciously protect the environment. As far as possible all the teachers and students do not use correction fluid, not to buy the use of one-time items, such as disposable food containers, disposable chopsticks, paper cups and napkins box; choose to buy drinks as much as possible reuse of recyclable materials in cylinders; bring their own shopping bags To shopping, not to avoid the use of recycling, a plastic bag indecomposable purchase "green" non-phosphorus detergent; conserve water, electricity, water taps after tightening, no one classroom at the time Guandeng; care for green facilities, Not trampling on green space, do not throw garbage, do not spit. With their own practical action to protect the environment.

(7) Xinshouxianglian, create green family

Green played for the all-round song, the school full of students in environmental education, it is also launched the "Xinshouxianglian, create green families", the environmental protection publicity and education to the family. . School solemnly sent to each student initiatives: in the family to do the best knowledge of environmental protection advocates, the "small speakers", actively promote foster parents "green" concepts, to promote parents also joined the ranks of environmental protection, create a good Green family environment.

(8), to strengthen greening, landscaping, clean up work, and create a clean, elegant and harmonious campus environment.

For the students to create an elegant harmony, the quiet warmth of the learning environment, give full play to the school a brick tile Yicaoyimu a function of education, schools in the greening, landscaping done a lot of work, and strive to make the school year wearing Green, spent four seasons there, according to the pattern of campus construction, the school also built a school corridor. Tengluo planted around the promenade, summer and autumn seasons, Tengluo cover the entire promenade, a green. Received the level of real, three-dimensional greening and beautifying effect. Now, when you entered the school zone, you will see a flowers, green grass and clean the beautiful campus, with modern teaching facilities complement each other, make delightful.

Now the campus, "green" is booming growth, "green" are bright, "green" has permanent campus, students and teachers of the Permanent minds.
第1个回答  2008-05-03
Students should keep their school clean and tidy. Therefore, they must not spit in public even if no one is around. They also must not throw litter onto the ground because their inconsiderate behavior will dirty the school. When there is no one in the classroom, lights should always be turned off. This will help to save electricity. Moreover, students should always recycle their used papers to save the trees. In conclusion, reduce, reuse and recycle are the ways that students should do to keep the school environment clean.
