问一些关于#非谓语动词#的问题 希望大神细心解答

(1)(considing) the strength of the opposition,we did very well to score two goals.
(2)(Having considered )the plan carefully,he rejeted it.
(3)Millions of people rushed to California,(convinced) that they would find gold and become rich.

第一个问题 (1)和(2)都是ing怎么区别...
第二个问题 还有(3) 为什么判断这个答案的方法是看他形容人还是形容物 为什么和其他的判断方法不一样,,

第3个问题,,,要是遇到一道非谓语动词的题,应该用什么方法,,,要怎么看的,,,为什么一下子是看主被动(主动ing 被动ed),,一下子是看做了还是没做(做了ing 没做to do) 一下子就是看形容人还是形容物(人ed 物ing)



(1)还原第一句 we considered the strength of the opposition,we did very well to score two goals.这是连个独立句子,直接用逗号连接是错误的。这里就有变非谓语的诀窍。 出现连个并列的句子时。一般将第一个句子转化为非谓语形式。1、省略主语 we 2、动词变成ing形式 3、如果有be动词,要省略。 因此句子就变成considering the the strength of the opposition, we did very well to score two goals.

(2) 第二个句子还原 He has considered the plan carefully, he rejected it.两个独立的句子不能都好相连, 1、第一句主语省略 he, has变成 having ,句子就变成了, Having considered the plan carefully, he rejected it.这是一个合乎语法的句子

Millions of people rushed to California,which was convinced that they would find gold and become rich. 这里要注意,convinced的主语california。下面就是定语从句转化非谓语的方法:前提是关系词(that,who,which)要在从句中做主语,1,省略关系词which,2、be变成being,省略(be动词可省可不省)

第1个回答  2013-02-13
第2个回答  2013-02-13
时态和语态 第一题的considing的主语是后面的we 所以语态是主动 所以用-ing (2)是构成主动 主语是he considered the plan carefully 比 rejeted 发生的时间要更早一些 所以用主动的完成式 having +V-ing(3)convinced是来形容人的 就像interested 和interesting 前者的主语是人,比如, I am interested in playing computergames,后者修饰物 比如 a interesting book