有关:人 +speed +money,time +onsth.这个英语结构的例句


1.VERB花(钱);用(钱)When you spend money, you pay money for things that you want. By the end of the holiday I had spent all my money... 到假期结束时,我已经花光了自己所有的钱。Businessmen spend enormous amounts advertising their products...商人们花费巨额资金为自己的商品做广告。Juventus have spent £23m on new players...尤文图斯队已经在新球员身上花了 2,300 万英镑。The survey may cost at least £100 but is money well spent.该调查可能要花费至少 100 英镑,但这钱花得值。
spendingHas your spending on food increased?...你在食品上的开支增加了吗?Government spending is expected to fall.政府开支预计要下降。
2.VERB花费(时间或精力)If you spend time or energy doing something, you use your time or effort doing it. Engineers spend much time and energy developing brilliant solutions...工程师们花费很多时间和精力来开发完美的解决方案。This energy could be much better spent taking some positive action.这些精力若用于采取某些积极行动的话,可能会更值得。
3.VERB(在某处)度过(一段间)If you spend a period of time in a place, you stay there for a period of time. We spent the night in a hotel.我们在一家旅馆过夜。
Usage Note:Do not confuse spend and pass. If you spend a period of time doing something or spend time in a place, you do that thing or stay in that place for all of the time you are talking about. I spent three days cleaning our flat. ...a hotel where we could spend the night. If you do something while you are waiting for something else, you can say you do it to 'pass the time'. He had brought along a book to pass the time. You can say that time has passed in order to show that a period of time has finished. The first few days passed... The timne seems to have passed so quickly. 不
要混淆 spend 和 pass。spend 表示花一段时间做某事或呆在某地,如:I spent three days cleaning our
flat (我花了 3 天时间打扫我们的公寓),a hotel where we could spend the night
(可供我们过夜的旅馆)。如果在等待的过程中做某事消磨时间,可以说 pass the time,如:He had brought along a
book to pass the time (他带了一本书来打发时间)。要表示一段时间过去了,可以用 pass,如:The first few
days passed (头几天过去了),The time seems to have passed so quickly

What did you spend it on?你花在什么地方了?
They spend their childhood in happiness.
She could only spend half the amount.她只能花费总额的半数。
The amount of money we spend.限制我们花钱的数量.
How did you spend your holiday?你假期怎么过的?
America tried to spend and tax itself out of a great recession.美国政府企图以庞大的开支和税blog.163.com
Spend a certain length of time.花费一定长度的时间。
Spend lavishly or wastefully on.浪费地或不经济地花费。
How much did you spend?你花了多少钱?
You spend too much money.你花钱太多了。
Spend according to your income.要依照你的收入去花钱。
Spend or take a vacation.度过或者有一个假期。
How should we spend it?应该怎样花这些钱?
How did you spend your evening?你准备晚上怎么过?
Come spend thanksgiving with me.过来跟我一起过感恩节。
How did you spend the holidays?您怎样度过假日呢?
On balance, low deposit rates encourage people to withdraw money from banks and spend more.总而言之,较低的存款利率会鼓励人们从银行提取存款,增加开支。
Where did you spend your honeymoon?你们在哪儿度的蜜月?
I'll spend a weekend in paris.我打算在巴黎度周末。
Did your parents spend their whole weekend entertaining you?你爸妈会为了让你高兴而浪费一整个周末吗?
第1个回答  2013-02-13
She spent 5 yuan on the pen. 她花费五元在这只钢笔上。 He spent ten minutes in doing the homework. 他话费十分钟的时间做作业。
第2个回答  2013-02-13


     When you spend money, you pay money for things that you want or need. 花 (钱)2.By the end of the holiday I had spent all my money. 到那个假期结束时我已经花光了我所有的钱。  Businessmen spend enormous amounts advertising their products. 商人们花巨额资金为他们的产品做广告。 2. 

    V-TIf you spend time or energy doing something, you use your time or effort doing it. 花 (时间、精力)

    Engineers spend much time and energy developing brilliant solutions. 


      3. V-TIf you spend a period of time in a place, you stay there for a period of time. 度过 (一段时间)例: We spent the night in a hotel. 我们在一家宾馆过了夜。
第3个回答  2013-02-13
He spent ten yuan (in) buying/on the new book.
The girl spent two hours (in) finishing/on her homework.
第4个回答  2013-02-13
That number is roughly what you spend on your living expenses in a given year.
How many hours
per week
do you want to
spend on this
Notice, too how much time you spend on trivia.
how much time you spend on QQ?