With the continuous improvement of the aging population, the country's aging population and the rate of aging in the world among the top bit. A series of social problems posed by the aging of the population, so that the sound and become indispensable to solve the pension problem is an important way to the development of social old-age security. Quality of life for the elderly largely determine the level of development of the national economy and the degree of social civilization. So, it is very urgent to improve the level of China's pension. And the one-child policy has been carried out in a Chinese city for three years, along with the only child of a man is growing old, their parents become part of the vulnerable groups in society. The one-child how to balance family and career problem become increasingly need to focus on. China's current pension model-based old-age home has been unable to meet the pension needs of one-child families now. The development of pension new model and improve the pension system, so that the one-child does not have to worry about balancing career and family and meet their material life and spiritual needs must now consider and resolve pension issues. 在线为你翻译唯一ID:ippxion 希望采纳,手机打的不容易。