

mind, escape, practise, enjoy, finish, miss, consider, stand, suggest, keep, imagine, fancy, mention, admit, avoid, delay, dislike, deny, risk, appreciate, recommend, resist, resume, forgive, report, include, excuse, understand, complete, endure, prevent, recall, advise(但advice sb to do), allow(但allow sb to do), permit(但permit sb to do), forbid(但forbid sb to do)
keep on, insist on, feel like, give up, put off, burst out, set about, be worth, can’t help, be busy, have difficulty/trouble (in)
dream of/about, think of, think about, succeed in, be afraid of, be good at, be interested in, thank somebody for, excuse for, apologize to sb for, be tired of, be fond of, be sure of, what (how) about, a way of, have the idea of, can’t do something without, in hopes/the hope of, with/for the purpose of
object to, be/get used to, look forward to, be devoted to, devote oneself to, come close to, pay attention to, get down to, be reduced to(被迫、沦落到……的地步), take to(变得喜欢、开始经常), fall to(开始), lead to, be opposed to, come to(接近,差一点), refer to, agree to(同意某个观点), be on the way to(就要……)

有关非谓语动词还有好多内容,如想知道可keep in touch with me或visit my blog。
第1个回答  2008-04-28
admit 承认
appreciate 感激
avoid 避免
delay 耽误
deny 否认
detest 讨厌
endure 忍受
enjoy 喜欢
escape 逃脱
fancy 想象
finish 完成
imagine 想象
mind 介意
miss 想念
practice 训练
recall 回忆
resent 讨厌
resume 继续
resist 抵抗
risk 冒险
suggest 建议
face 面对
include 包括
stand 忍受
understand 理解
forgive 宽恕
keep 继续