
1895年,世界第一部电影诞生,人类的艺术创造和文化理想进入了崭新的历史纪元。中国电影诞生于1905年,伴随着世界电影的进程,伴随着中华民族的复兴,以其鲜明的民族个性和审美特征,取得了辉煌成就,铸就了历史丰碑,为世界电影做出了独特的艺术贡献。 民俗电影时期 这一阶段从1980年代后期到1990年代前期,以陈凯歌的《黄土地》、张艺谋的《红高粱》以及《霸王别姬》、《活着》为代表。中国电影迈出了走向世界的第一步,并开始在国际上受到关注,取得了金熊、金狮、金棕榈、威尼斯等一系列大奖。这一时期的中国电影以封建家庭为背景,表现了在中国封建专制时期罪与罚的悲剧故事。这些题材虽然在一定程度上引发了外国民众对中国的误解,但却使更多的人对中国产生了兴趣,也使得第五代中国电影人如巩俐、葛优、张艺谋等中国电影人成长为世界电影人。 独立电影时期 1990年代中期到1990年代末期,是近代中国电影业最低潮时期,一方面是由于我国政府对电影行业的审查过为严格,另一方面则是由于电视文化的冲击。在这种艰难的历史背景下,第6代中国电影人从边缘文化姿态、下层民众的生活以及中西方文化融合等角度出发制作了一定量的作品,在世界各大电影节上取得了一定的成就。如《洗澡》、《头发乱了》等。 跨国电影时期 自2001年中国加入WTO以来,中国的电影产业进入了飞速发展的新阶段。中国电影的巨大进步使得电影回到了人们的日常生活当中。仅去年一年我国电影的海外票房收入已达19亿,超过了国内票房收入(28亿)的2/3。以古典题材、义侠主题、异恋故事、武打桥段为表现手法的中国电影赢得了国际市场的广泛好评。《英雄》、《天下无贼》、《夜宴》、《满城尽带黄金甲》便是这一时期的杰出代表。与此同时通过电影这一巨大的广告载体,中国的文化也越来越为海外所知悉。

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In 1895, the world's first film was born, and human artistic creation and cultural ideals into a new era of history. Chinese film was born in 1905, along with the process of films in the world, along with the revival of the Chinese nation, with its distinctive national character and aesthetic characteristics and achieved brilliant achievements and forge a historical monument, the film world to made a unique contribution to the arts. Folk custom film during this stage from the late 1980s to the early 1990s, in Chen Kaige's "yellow earth", Zhang Yimou's "Red Sorghum" and "Farewell My Concubine" and "alive" as the representative. Chinese film taken the first step to the world, and began to concern in the international, made the Golden Bear, golden, golden palm, Venice a series of awards. The Chinese film in this period takes the feudal family as the background, and has demonstrated the tragic story of the crime and the penalty in the feudal autocratic period of China.. These subjects although in a certain extent caused the misunderstanding of China's foreign people, but the more people interested in China, but also makes the fifth generation of Chinese filmmakers such as Gong Li, Ge, Zhang Yimou, such as Chinese filmmakers to grow for the film world. The independent film period in the mid 1990s to the late 1990s, is a modern Chinese film industry in the low tide period, on the one hand is because the Chinese government censorship of the film industry had too strict. On the other hand is due to the impact of TV culture. Under the historical background of this difficult, the sixth generation of Chinese film from the angle of edge cultural attitude, life of the lower class people and fusion of Chinese culture and Western culture, starting produced a certain amount of work, in the world each big film festival has made some achievements. Such as "bath", "hair disorder" and so on. The film industry of China entered the new stage of the rapid development since 2001 when China joined WTO.. The great progress of Chinese movies made the film back to people's daily life.. Last year alone, the film's overseas box office receipts has reached 1900000000, exceeding the domestic box office income (2800000000) of the 2/3. In classical themes, the theme of the chivalric, strange love story, martial arts plot for the technique of expression of the Chinese film won wide acclaim from the international market. "Hero", "Tianxia Wu Zei", "the banquet", "Curse of the Golden Flower" is the outstanding representative of this period. At the same time through the film this huge advertising carrier, China's culture is increasingly known to the overseas.