
字数不少于60字,开头句已给出:Welcome to my Clothes Store。 图中有帽子,长袖的衣服,裙子,鞋子,眼镜,毛衣,包包

Welcome to my Clothes Store. My Clothes Store is selling many nice and cheap clothes. A pair of shoes is only forty dollars. There are three different colors including white, blue and yellow. There are also many different kinds of dresses. There are black, green and red dresses. The price of a dress is ten dollars. Red, while and yellow sweaters are sold at fifteen dollars. White and blue shirts are sold at ten dollars. Different hats including black, red and white ones are sold at six dollars. Lastly, we sell bags at fifty dollars and glasses at twenty dollars. Why are you waiting? Come and shop here! (108字)
第1个回答  2012-12-15