

requirement, provision, need, desire, demandvt.做;进行;完成;解答
accomplish, carry out, come, achieve, performvi.做;进行;完成
progress, wage

do /dʊ, duː/ CET4(doing, did, done, does)
Do is used to form the negative of main verbs, by putting "not" after "do" and before the main verb in its infinitive form, that is the form without "to." 用于构成动词的否定式,后面加"not",放在主要动词前面,是一种不带"to"的动词不定式
They don't want to work.
I did not know Jamie had a knife.
2. Do is used to form questions, by putting the subject after "do" and before the main verb in its infinitive form, that is the form without "to." 用于构成疑问句,主语放在"do"和主要动词中间,是不带"to"的动词不定式 例:Do you like music?
你喜欢音乐吗?例:What did he say?

3. Do is used in question tags. 用于附加疑问句中例:You know about Andy, don't you? 你了解安迪,不是吗?
4. You use do when you are confirming or contradicting a statement containing "do," or giving a negative or positive answer to a question. 用于肯定或否定回答例:"Did he think there was anything suspicious going on?"—"Yes, he did." “他认为有什么可疑的事情发生吗?”— “是的,他是这样认为的。”
5. V-T/V-I Do can be used to refer back to another verb group when you are comparing or contrasting two things, or saying that they are the same. 比较两件事物时用于代替前面出现的动词,表示同一概念例:I make more money than he does.
我挣的钱比他多。例:I had fantasies, as do all mothers, about how life would be when my girls were grown.

6. V-T You use do after "so" and "nor" to say that the same statement is true for two people or groups. 用在"so"和"nor"后面,表示同一陈述适用于两个或两组人例:You know that's true, and so do I. 你知道那是真的,我也知道。
do /duː/ (doing, did, done, does)

1. V-T When you do something, you take some action or perform an activity or task. Do is often used instead of a more specific verb, to talk about a common action involving a particular thing. For example you can say "do your hair" instead of "brush your hair." 表示从事某种活动或工作,常用来替代有具体含义的动词例:I was trying to do some work.
我正试图做些工作。例:After lunch Elizabeth and I did the dishes.
2. V-T Do can be used to stand for any verb group, or to refer back to another verb group, including one that was in a previous sentence. 用于代表任何动词或代替前面出现过的动词例:What are you doing?
3. V-T You can use do in a clause at the beginning of a sentence after words like "what" and "all," to give special emphasis to the information that comes at the end of the sentence. 用于以"what"或"all"等开头的句中,强调句子后面所说的事情[强调]例:All she does is complain.
4. V-T If you do a particular thing with something, you use it in that particular way. 做; 干例:I was allowed to do whatever I wanted with my life.
5. V-T If you do something about a problem, you take action to try to solve it. 采取行动例:They refuse to do anything about the real cause of crime: poverty.
6. V-T If an action or event does a particular thing, such as harm or good, it has that result or effect. 造成例:A few bombs can do a lot of damage.
7. V-T If you ask someone what they do, you want to know what their job or profession is. 从事 (某种职业)例:"What does your father do?"—"Well, he's a civil servant."
“你父亲是做什么工作的?”— “哦,他是个公务员。”
8. V-T If you are doing something, you are busy or active in some way, or have planned an activity for some time in the future. 忙于; 准备做例:Are you doing anything tomorrow night?
9. V-I If you say that someone or something does well or badly, you are talking about how successful or unsuccessful they are. 表现; 进展例:Connie did well at school and graduated with honours.
10. V-T You can use do when referring to the speed or rate that something or someone achieves or is able to achieve. 达到 (某种速度)例:They were doing 70 miles an hour.
11. V-T If someone does drugs, they take illegal drugs. 吸食 (毒品)例:I don't do drugs.
12. V-T/V-I If you say that something willdo or willdo you, you mean that there is enough of it or that it is of good enough quality to meet your requirements or to satisfy you. 够用; 满足需要例:Anything to create a scene and attract attention will do.
13. V-T If you do a subject, author, or book, you study them at school or college. 攻读; 研究[英国英语][口语]例:She planned to do maths at night school.
14. PHRASE If you say that you could do with something, you mean that you need it or would benefit from it. 需要; 从…中获益例:I could do with a cup of tea.
15. PHRASE You can ask someone what they did with something as another way of asking them where they put it. 把…放在何处例:What did you do with that notebook?
16. PHRASE If you ask what someone or something is doing in a particular place, you are asking why they are there. 为何出现在此处例:"Dr. Campbell," he said, clearly surprised. "What are you doing here?"
17. PHRASE If you say that one thing has something to do with or is something to do with another thing, you mean that the two things are connected or that the first thing is about the second thing. 与…有关例:Mr. Butterfield denies having anything to do with the episode.

do /duː/ (dos)
1. Na formal or festive gathering; party (正式的)集会; (节日中的)集会; 聚会[英国英语][非正式]
2. PHRASE If someone tells you the dos and don'ts of a particular situation, they advise you what you should and should not do in that situation. 该做的和不该做的; 行为准则; 注意事项例:Please advise me on the most suitable colour print film and some dos and don'ts. 请就最适用的彩照胶卷及其使用须知给我建议。追问


第1个回答  2012-12-07
呵呵,以前我在初中时就没搞懂,老师一会儿用be动词,一会儿用do,完全搞混了,现在我把经验分享给你吧:do 是助动词,“助动词”,顾名思义就是具有帮助作用的动词,“助”就是说帮助一个句子构成疑问句或者否定句。比如:He likes apple.这是一个很普遍的主谓宾句子。我想要将其变为疑问句,那就要do来帮助其构成疑问句了,为:does he like apple?。如果我要变为否定句,也要借助do来帮忙,为:He doesn't like apple.(第三人称用does)。这种仅限于主谓宾句子,如果是主系表句子,如:she ia a student.就直接把 be动词提前就可以构成疑问句了,在be动词后加not就可以构成否定了,这个相信你们老师说过了的吧,呵呵本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2018-08-02

eg. I finish my homework. So I do. (我完成家庭作业了。我确实完成了。)
第3个回答  2020-10-24