急急急!英语期末考试老师给了八个英语句子,让我们用英语回答 一定不要有句子错误哦!

回答的答案要在15个词左右就可以,句子不能有误,句子越简单 越容易背越好,最基本的句子就行,你懂得的亲
1:should people buy things according to what ads say?
2:what are the negative social effects of ads?
3:did you ever buy things advertised by movie stars?if yes,what is it?if no, what not?
4:why do people have pets?
5:is it cruel to keep pets inside an apartment all day?
6:do you think it is okay to eat dog meat?
7:do you think you yourself are fashionable?why or why not?
8:do you mind other people is reaction when you wear new clothes?

1. No. Because the words in ads may be overstated and false.
2.People would not easily believe other's words and the social credibility would be decreased.
3.Yes, I bought a cleansing scream(你可以换成你买的东西 我随便写了洗面奶) advertised by ...(一个电影明星)
4. For senior citizens, they keep pets to see the loneliness off. For children, maybe they just like animals and wanna make friends with them.
5. I think it is because every life on the earth has his/her rights to be free so we couldn't confine them.
6. Definitely not. Dogs are our friends.
8.It depends....I would care about the reaction of the person I think highly of.(这条你也根据自己的情况回答比较好)

你说简单的我就没写很多 观点也比较明显简单 嗯...有什么地方不妥可以告诉我
第1个回答  2012-12-22
1、It depends. People should learn to buy useful or meaningful things.
2、Ads may drive people to buy the useless things so it is a waste of resources and money.
3、Yes. 这个东西有很多,比如 a wash machine.
4、Some people just love pets and some people have pets to keep them out of loneliness.
5、Yes. We should always take them out for some fresh air.
6、I don't like and it is cruel. But people in some places have the habit of eating dogs.
8、I don't mind. They may give me some useful suggestions.
第2个回答  2012-12-19
2.The products' qualities of the ads are too bad.It will put up the bad effect on
the audience.
3.No,such as shampoo。
4.They’re boring and alone.
5.No, it isn't.
6.Yes,I mind.
7.Yes,I do.Becase I like fashionable things.
8.Yes,I mind.
第3个回答  2012-12-19
Ads has advantages,but usually they are showed too nice.It can give us some useful information,but we should distinguish what is right and what is folse.So ads are just tools,buy things according to ads is just a useful way .