

  佛塔上的老鼠 The mouse on stupa
  一只四处漂泊的老鼠在佛塔顶上安了家。 A drift around the mouse in the tower, the home.
  佛塔里的生活实在是幸福极了,它既可以在各层之间随意穿越,又可以享受到丰富的供品。 The stupa life is really great happiness, it can in each layer, and between random through can enjoy rich offerings.
  它甚至还享有别人所无法想象的特权,那些不为人知的秘笈,它可以随意咀嚼; It has even enjoy the privilege of others can not imagine, those unknown secret, it can chew at will;
  人们不敢正视的佛像,它可以自由休闲,兴起之时,甚至还可以在佛像头上留些排泄物。 People dare not face up to the figure of Buddha, it can free leisure, rise up, and even in the Buddha head leave some waste.
  每当善男信女们烧香叩头的时候,这只老鼠总是看着那令人陶醉的烟气,慢慢升起,它猛抽着鼻子,心中暗笑:“可笑的人类,膝盖竟然这样柔软,说跪就跪下了!” Whenever the yu incense kowtow, the mouse always looked at the ravishing flue gas, slowly rising, it is fierce and snuffling, in the heart did Sarah laugh: "ridiculous human, knee was so soft, said kneeling he knelt down!"
  有一天,一只饿极了的野猫闯了进来,它一把将老鼠抓住。 One day, a hungry cat ran in, it will catch the mouse.
  “你不能吃我!你应该向我跪拜!我代表着佛!” "You can't eat me! You should bow to me! I represent the Buddha!"
  这位高贵的俘虏抗议道。 The noble captive protested.
  “人们向你跪拜,只是因为你所占的位置,不是因为你!” "People bow down to you, just because of your position, not because of you!"
  Wildcats taunt way, then, it is like break a hamburger that the mice break in half.
