

这道题我会,我可以帮忙解答哦😁,先给大家总结一下 yourself和yourselves 的区别:

    "Yourself" 是单数形式,指代单个人(你自己);"yourselves" 是复数形式,指代多个人(你们自己)。根据所涉及的人数来选择正确的代词形式。

在通过一个表格来了解一下 yourself和yourselves 吧😎:

欧克,最后再来一波 yourself和yourselves 的具体区别🤞:


yourself(单数): 用于单数第二人称,表示 "你自己"。

例子1: Can you please introduce yourself?(你能介绍一下你自己吗?)

例子2: Don't blame yourself for the mistake.(不要为错误责备你自己。)

yourselves(复数): 用于复数第二人称,表示 "你们自己"。

例子1: Enjoy yourselves at the party.(在派对上尽情享乐。)

例子2: Please help yourselves to some food.(请随便吃些食物。)


yourself(主格): 用于作为主语或补语。

例子1: Yourself is the best judge of your abilities.(你自己是你能力的最佳评判者。)

例子2: Believe in yourself.(相信你自己。)

yourselves(宾格): 用于作为宾语。

例子1: Did you buy the tickets yourselves?(你们自己买的票吗?)

例子2: Make sure to take care of yourselves.(确保照顾好你们自己。)


yourself: 可用于单数或复数,用于强调 "你自己" 或 "你们自己" 所做的事情。

例子1: You should do it yourself.(你应该自己做。)

例子2: They built the house themselves.(他们亲自建了这座房子。)

yourselves: 用于强调 "你们自己" 所做的事情。

例子1: Help yourselves to some desserts.(请随意享用一些甜点。)

例子2: You have to prepare yourselves for the competition.(你们必须为比赛做好准备。)


yourself: 用于代替单数第二人称主语 "你"。

例子1: Enjoy yourself at the beach.(在海滩上尽情享受吧。)

例子2: Trust yourself and your instincts.(相信你自己和你的直觉。)

yourselves: 用于代替复数第二人称主语 "你们"。

例子1: Be proud of yourselves for the hard work.(为你们的努力感到骄傲。)

例子2: Are you enjoying yourselves at the carnival?(在嘉年华会上你们玩得开心吗?)
