
1. 不要太厚!要知道,越厚的书越容易打击读者的积极性,而且读这样的书,往往周期拖得非常长,这样就难免看了后面忘了前面。而且一本好的单词书,并不要求是面面俱到的,要面面俱到,你买本英汉大辞典好了。

2. 适合自己的水平。我们都有这样的经验:如果一本单词书有三四成都认识的话,背起来就相当容易;而如果有七八成需要第一次记忆的话,就比较困难了。所以,挑选一本适合自己的词汇书就显得格外重要。
3. 单词释义正确,且有相应的例句。但是,这里有一个问题:就是对于相同中文释义的单词,就比较容易混淆。这样就必须有相应的例句来帮助你记忆它的用法。例句并不要多,一句足够。
4. 最好能提供比较容易的记忆方法。记忆单词是比较枯燥的工作,如果能够找到一些比较有趣的记忆方法,它可以变得相当可爱。

1. 大声朗读出来。识记单词的方法主要是掌握发音,因为绝大多数的单词是可以听音写出来,不规则的单词很少。如果你记住了单词的发音,再看过3遍,就可以拚出80%的单词,这一点也不夸张。一些同学没有体会到这一点,他们背单词的方法就是一本书、一叠纸和一根笔,狂练拼写。显然,这样做既枯燥又低效。记住,要背单词,第一的要决就是把它读出来,不管你的发音怎样,只要你知道那样的发音对应的是怎样的拼写就够了。

2. 结合语境(Context)。要真正的掌握单词,只有在具体的语境中才可能达到。李扬.克立兹疯狂英语学习法就一直强调:孤立背诵单词几乎是徒劳无功的!人和人交往的最基本单位是句子,而不是单词
4. 每天大剂量地记忆。有的同学觉得一天背个50个单词已经很不错了,但这还不够,一天至少要背100个。怎样的背法呢?每天抽出两个固定的时间段,每个大约一个半小时,专门进行词汇的记忆。这对于词汇基础较差的同学来说,是绝对有效的方法。因为背单词非常讲究一个周期,一天背50个,3000词的一本书就要背两个月,这就难免看了后面忘了前面;而如果你一天能背150个,20天就可以搞定它了。这两个时间段可以这样安排:第一个时间段专门背新词,第二个时间段则用来温习刚刚背的新词和定期需要复习的已经背过的单词。

5. 掌握常见词根词缀等构词元素。英语单词是很有章法的,跟我们汉字的造字法是一样。
6. 把已学过的单词和生词联系起来。这是一个非常重要的扩充词汇的手段,也是巩固词汇记忆的重要手段。具体来说,有很多的单词可能形近、或者音近、或者义近,这样就容易产生混淆,而我们恰恰又可以通过把这些词汇放在一起,从而把他们真正记住并区分开。
7. 采用分割单词或者利用谐音来记忆,这就是我所谓的"邪门方法"了,也是背单词的乐趣之一。可能有些人对这种歪门邪道非常不屑,但是为了能记住单词,也就"无所不用其极"了,这也可以算"黑猫白猫"理论的一个推论吧。

There was a time I was crazy English and often sleep in the night, inviting the angle, while thinking about the lovely word, while Touzhaole. The same people who asked me for the Lok Shane? I said, the word back then. This may not be easily understood, in the past, I would say, back word wield Coke? Now is not the same, and I say that even if the sun shine loss of the stars no longer there, mountains and rivers into Pyongyang, the river no longer flows, no longer fragrant flowers.
Back words, an important step, I provide you with the following reference:
1. Not too thick! We should know that the thick of the fight against the easier it is the enthusiasm of the readers, and reading this book, often dragged on very long cycle, and this will inevitably forget to read behind the front. And a good word on the request is not exhaustive, it is necessary to everybody, you bought the English-Chinese Dictionary well.

2. Suited to their level. We all have this kind of experience: If a word of a March 4 Chengdu understanding of the case, it is relatively easy to back up, and if necessary the first time on July 8 as memory, is more difficult. Therefore, the selection of a suitable book on its own terms, it is particularly important.
3. Correct interpretation of the word, and the corresponding samples. However, there is one problem: that the Chinese interpretation of the same word, can be relatively easily confused. This must be matched samples to help you use its memory. Phrases do not have to, a sufficient.
4. Best to provide relatively easy method of memory. Memory is relatively dry words, if we can find some more interesting memory, it can become very lovable.
How to back a law to be relaxing and fun?

1. Read out loud to you. Shiji word pronunciation control method is mainly because the majority of the written word can be listening out, irregular few words. If you remember the pronunciation of the words, then read three times, it can spell 80% of the word, this is not an exaggeration. Some students did not understand this point, they back the word is by means of a book, a pile of paper and a pen, Juelian spelling. Clearly, this is boring and inefficient. Remember, it is necessary to back words, the first decision is to be read out, no matter how you pronounced, as you know, as long as the pronunciation of what is the corresponding spelling enough.

2. Context combination (Context). To truly grasp the words, only in the specific context only be achieved. Li Yang. Grams Berlitz Crazy English learning has been stressed: isolation recitation of the words is almost useless! And other people and is the basic unit of the sentence, not words
3. Listen with tape. Listen to the tape memory methods, such as simple several advantages: First, whether you are doing, often idle ears always, this time we can hear the tape, it can be said of the other events have a fairly good compatibility; Secondly, can greatly enhance learning efficiency; Finally, it is not easy fatigue.
4. Daily doses to memory. Some students feel that day 50 months back has been very good word, but it is not enough, at least one day should be back 100. What dorsal law? Two out of the daily fixed time period, each approximately one and a half hours, the specialized vocabulary of memory. This is the basis of vocabulary poor students, it is absolutely effective method. Back word of great importance because of a cycle of a day back 50, 3000 words to a book two months back, inevitably forget to read behind the front, and if you can back 150 a day, for 20 days can get it. This time, the two can be such an arrangement: the first time specialized dorsal new word, and the second time was just back to study the new terms and periodic review of the need to have a word back.

5. Affix have common roots, such as formation elements. English words are very art, with the creation of our characters is the same.
6. To those who have learned the words and words linked. This is a very important means of the expansion of vocabulary, and memory are also consolidating an important means of vocabulary. Specifically, there are a lot of words may be in form or tone near, or just past, and this easily lead to confusion, and we can precisely through these terms together, so as to remember and they really separate.
7. Segmentation of a homonym for the word or memory, which is why I am so-called "method of Yemen", the fun is back one word. There may be some people on this very Waimenxiedao disdain, but to remember the words, it "used all sorts of extreme", which could also be "Black Cat White Cat," a theory of inference it.
Another point is very important, we need to be reminded: the above-mentioned methods is the first five words back the basic approach, and the auxiliary memory is 6,7 approach. So never ends.
第1个回答  2008-04-05
There was a time I was crazy English and often sleep in the night, inviting the angle, while thinking about the lovely word, while Touzhaole. The same people who asked me for the Lok Shane? I said, the word back then. This may not be easily understood, in the past, I would say, back word wield Coke? Now is not the same, and I say that even if the sun shine loss of the stars no longer there, mountains and rivers into Pyongyang, the river no longer flows, no longer fragrant flowers.
Back words, an important step, I provide you with the following reference:
1. Not too thick! We should know that the thick of the fight against the easier it is the enthusiasm of the readers, and reading this book, often dragged on very long cycle, and this will inevitably forget to read behind the front. And a good word on the request is not exhaustive, it is necessary to everybody, you bought the English-Chinese Dictionary well.

2. Suited to their level. We all have this kind of experience: If a word of a March 4 Chengdu understanding of the case, it is relatively easy to back up, and if necessary the first time on July 8 as memory, is more difficult. Therefore, the selection of a suitable book on its own terms, it is particularly important.
3. Correct interpretation of the word, and the corresponding samples. However, there is one problem: that the Chinese interpretation of the same word, can be relatively easily confused. This must be matched samples to help you use its memory. Phrases do not have to, a sufficient.
4. Best to provide relatively easy method of memory. Memory is relatively dry words, if we can find some more interesting memory, it can become very lovable.
How to back a law to be relaxing and fun?

1. Read out loud to you. Shiji word pronunciation control method is mainly because the majority of the written word can be listening out, irregular few words. If you remember the pronunciation of the words, then read three times, it can spell 80% of the word, this is not an exaggeration. Some students did not understand this point, they back the word is by means of a book, a pile of paper and a pen, Juelian spelling. Clearly, this is boring and inefficient. Remember, it is necessary to back words, the first decision is to be read out, no matter how you pronounced, as you know, as long as the pronunciation of what is the corresponding spelling enough.

2. Context combination (Context). To truly grasp the words, only in the specific context only be achieved. Li Yang. Grams Berlitz Crazy English learning has been stressed: isolation recitation of the words is almost useless! And other people and is the basic unit of the sentence, not words
3. Listen with tape. Listen to the tape memory methods, such as simple several advantages: First, whether you are doing, often idle ears always, this time we can hear the tape, it can be said of the other events have a fairly good compatibility; Secondly, can greatly enhance learning efficiency; Finally, it is not easy fatigue.
4. Daily doses to memory. Some students feel that day 50 months back has been very good word, but it is not enough, at least one day should be back 100. What dorsal law? Two out of the daily fixed time period, each approximately one and a half hours, the specialized vocabulary of memory. This is the basis of vocabulary poor students, it is absolutely effective method. Back word of great importance because of a cycle of a day back 50, 3000 words to a book two months back, inevitably forget to read behind the front, and if you can back 150 a day, for 20 days can get it. This time, the two can be such an arrangement: the first time specialized dorsal new word, and the second time was just back to study the new terms and periodic review of the need to have a word back.

5. Affix have common roots, such as formation elements. English words are very art, with the creation of our characters is the same.
6. To those who have learned the words and words linked. This is a very important means of the expansion of vocabulary, and memory are also consolidating an important means of vocabulary. Specifically, there are a lot of words may be in form or tone near, or just past, and this easily lead to confusion, and we can precisely through these terms together, so as to remember and they really separate.
7. Segmentation of a homonym for the word or memory, which is why I am so-called "method of Yemen", the fun is back one word. There may be some people on this very Waimenxiedao disdain, but to remember the words, it "used all sorts of extreme", which could also be "Black Cat White Cat," a theory of inference it.
Another point is very important, we need to be reminded: the above-mentioned methods is the first five words back the basic approach, and the auxiliary memory is 6,7 approach. So never ends.
第2个回答  2008-04-03
There was a time I was crazy English and often sleep in the night, inviting the angle, while thinking about the lovely word, while Touzhaole. The same people who asked me for the Lok Shane? I said, the word back then. This may not be easily understood, in the past, I would say, back word wield Coke? Now is not the same, and I say that even if the sun shine loss of the stars no longer there, mountains and rivers into Pyongyang, the river no longer flows, no longer fragrant flowers.
Back words, an important step, I provide you with the following reference:
1. Not too thick! We should know that the thick of the fight against the easier it is the enthusiasm of the readers, and reading this book, often dragged on very long cycle, and this will inevitably forget to read behind the front. And a good word on the request is not exhaustive, it is necessary to everybody, you bought the English-Chinese Dictionary well.

2. Suited to their level. We all have this kind of experience: If a word of a March 4 Chengdu understanding of the case, it is relatively easy to back up, and if necessary the first time on July 8 as memory, is more difficult. Therefore, the selection of a suitable book on its own terms, it is particularly important.
3. Correct interpretation of the word, and the corresponding samples. However, there is one problem: that the Chinese interpretation of the same word, can be relatively easily confused. This must be matched samples to help you use its memory. Phrases do not have to, a sufficient.
4. Best to provide relatively easy method of memory. Memory is relatively dry words, if we can find some more interesting memory, it can become very lovable.
How to back a law to be relaxing and fun?

1. Read out loud to you. Shiji word pronunciation control method is mainly because the majority of the written word can be listening out, irregular few words. If you remember the pronunciation of the words, then read three times, it can spell 80% of the word, this is not an exaggeration. Some students did not understand this point, they back the word is by means of a book, a pile of paper and a pen, Juelian spelling. Clearly, this is boring and inefficient. Remember, it is necessary to back words, the first decision is to be read out, no matter how you pronounced, as you know, as long as the pronunciation of what is the corresponding spelling enough.

2. Context combination (Context). To truly grasp the words, only in the specific context only be achieved. Li Yang. Grams Berlitz Crazy English learning has been stressed: isolation recitation of the words is almost useless! And other people and is the basic unit of the sentence, not words
3. Listen with tape. Listen to the tape memory methods, such as simple several advantages: First, whether you are doing, often idle ears always, this time we can hear the tape, it can be said of the other events have a fairly good compatibility; Secondly, can greatly enhance learning efficiency; Finally, it is not easy fatigue.
4. Daily doses to memory. Some students feel that day 50 months back has been very good word, but it is not enough, at least one day should be back 100. What dorsal law? Two out of the daily fixed time period, each approximately one and a half hours, the specialized vocabulary of memory. This is the basis of vocabulary poor students, it is absolutely effective method. Back word of great importance because of a cycle of a day back 50, 3000 words to a book two months back, inevitably forget to read behind the front, and if you can back 150 a day, for 20 days can get it. This time, the two can be such an arrangement: the first time specialized dorsal new word, and the second time was just back to study the new terms and periodic review of the need to have a word back.

5. Affix have common roots, such as formation elements. English words are very art, with the creation of our characters is the same.
6. To those who have learned the words and words linked. This is a very important means of the expansion of vocabulary, and memory are also consolidating an important means of vocabulary. Specifically, there are a lot of words may be in form or tone near, or just past, and this easily lead to confusion, and we can precisely through these terms together, so as to remember and they really separate.
7. Segmentation of a homonym for the word or memory, which is why I am so-called "method of Yemen", the fun is back one word. There may be some people on this very Waimenxiedao disdain, but to remember the words, it "used all sorts of extreme", which could also be "Black Cat White Cat," a theory of inference it.
Another point is very important, we need to be reminded: the above-mentioned methods is the first five words back the basic approach, and the auxiliary memory is 6,7 approach. So never ends.
第3个回答  2020-02-03
第4个回答  2008-04-02
第5个回答  2008-04-09