



a) 手:手是人体上的一部分,用于触摸、抓取和执行各种动作。

She washed her hands before dinner.

He reached out his hand to shake mine.

b) 控制和操作的手段:手可用于完成各种任务和活动。

The mechanic fixed the car by hand.

She stitched the dress by hand.

c) 帮助:指以实际行动给予帮助或支持。

Please lend me a hand with these bags.

Can you give me a hand moving this bookshelf?

d) 技能或特长:指某人在某个领域或活动中的熟练程度。

He is an expert in hand-to-hand combat.

She has a great hand for painting.

e) 时钟上指针的位置:用于表示时间的指针位置。

The minute hand is pointing at 12, and the hour hand is on 3.


a) 递给或交给:将物品从一个人的手中传递给另一个人。

Could you please hand me that pen?

He handed the documents over to his assistant.

b) 给予或分发:将某物提供给他人,通常是传递一些东西。

The teacher handed out the test papers to the students.

She handed in her assignment to the professor.

c) 帮助或援助:提供帮助、支持或指导。

The coach handed them some useful tips for the game.

He always hands out advice to anyone who asks.


a) 牵涉到手的;手制的:指与手或使用手相关的物体、技术或动作。

She loves wearing hand-knitted sweaters.

They specialize in handcrafted jewelry.


a) Hand in hand: 手拉手、手牵手

They walked down the street hand in hand.

b) On the one hand... on the other hand: 一方面...另一方面

On the one hand, it would be a great opportunity. On the other hand, it could be very challenging.

c) Let me give you a hand: 让我帮你一个忙

- You look like you need help. Let me give you a hand.

d) Take matters into one's own hands: 自己处理问题

- The situation was getting worse, so she decided to take matters into her own hands.

e) Hand over fist: 快速地、大量地

- The company is making money hand over fist.


a) Handful: 一把、一撮

- He grabbed a handful of candies from the jar.

b) Handwriting: 笔迹、书法

- Her handwriting is so neat and beautiful.

c) Handmade: 手工制作的

- The store sells a variety of handmade crafts.

d) Handy: 便利的、方便的

- It's always good to have a handy toolkit in case of emergencies.

e) Handout: 赠品、散发的资料

- The conference provided attendees with a handout containing important information.

以上是关于 "hand" 这个单词的详细解释,涵盖了名词、动词、形容词用法,以及相关的常见短语和衍生词。


1、I washed my hands before eating dinner.

2、Can you lend me a hand with carrying these heavy boxes?

3、She handed me a cup of coffee with a smile.

4、The teacher handed out worksheets to the students for the assignment.

5、He has a gift for playing the guitar. He has such skilled hands.
